East India Company was dissolved and the British Raj took over.
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What happened in 1876?
Queen Victoria assumes the title ‘Empress of India’
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What happened in 1885?
First Indian National Congress meets in Bombay
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What happened in 1901?
Mohandas Gandhi visits India to attend the meeting of the first national congress.
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What happened in 1905?
Split of Bengal and Swadeshi Campaign and Boycott of British Goods
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What happened in 1906?
All India Muslim League is established in Dhaka
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What happened in 1911?
East and West Bengal is reunited.
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What happened in 1914?
Start of First World War, India joined war and Indian troops arrived on western front
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What happened in 1915?
Gandhi returned to India from South Africa and establishes Satyagraha Ashram
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What happened in 1916?
Home rule leagues founded and the Lucknow Pact
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What happened in 1917?
Montagu Declaration
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What happened in 1918?
Montagu-Chelmsford Report presented to parliament and the End of First World War
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What happened in 1919?
Rowlatt Acts, Amritsar massacre, Government of India Act and The Khilafat movement began
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What happened in 1920?
The first non-cooperation campaign began
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What happened in 1921?
Moplah Rebellion
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What happened in 1922?
Chauri Chaura Incident and Gandhi was arrested and imprisoned.
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What happened in 1924?
Gandhi was released from prison
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What happened in 1928?
The emergence of the young hooligans, the Simon commission and the Nehru report
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What happened in 1929?
Jinnah’s 14 points, the Irwin Declaration and the Lahore Congress declared purna swaraj
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What happened in 1930?
Salt satyagraha, Gandhi was arrested and the First Round Table Conference
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What happened in 1932?
Yeravda Pact and the Third Round Table Conference
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What happened in 1935?
Government of India Act 1935
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What happened in 1937?
Provincial elections were won by Indian National Congress
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What happened in 1939?
Start of the second world war and viceroy Lord Linlithgow declared war on behalf of India.
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What happened in 1940?
The Lahore resolution and the August Offer.
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What happened in 1941?
Atlantic Charter
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What happened in 1942?
The Cripps Mission, the Quit India campaign and Gandhi was arrested again.
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What happened in 1943?
Creation of the Indian National Army and Famine starts in Bengal
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What happened in 1945?
Simla Conference, British elections: Labour victory and the End of Second World War
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What happened in 1946?
General election in India won by Congress, Cabinet Mission, Direct Action Day by Muslim League and Interim government led by Nehru takes power
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What happened in 1947?
Mountbatten appointed as Viceroy of India, Final plan for partition agreed, Date of independence/partition advanced to 14–15 August 1947, Boundary Commission arrived and Independencen
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Queen Victoria assumes the title ‘Empress of India’
What happened in 1876?
Card 3
First Indian National Congress meets in Bombay
Card 4
Mohandas Gandhi visits India to attend the meeting of the first national congress.
Card 5
Split of Bengal and Swadeshi Campaign and Boycott of British Goods
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