A drainage basin is an area of land drained by a river.
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Why are drainage basins open systems?
Drainage basins are open systems because there are inputs of water to drainage basins, water flows through them and is stored in them and there are outputs of water from drainage basins.
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What is a watershed?
They're ridges of high land - water falling off these ridges will go into different drainage basins.
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A tributary is a smaller river that joins a main river.
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A source is where a river starts, usually in an upland area.
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A confluence is a point where two rivers join.
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A mouth is where a river flows into the sea or a lake.
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Card 2
Why are drainage basins open systems?
Drainage basins are open systems because there are inputs of water to drainage basins, water flows through them and is stored in them and there are outputs of water from drainage basins.
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