
  • Created by: em_8684
  • Created on: 29-04-16 03:36
Nazi Party Objectives in 1920
Union of all Germans in a Greater Germany, German citizenship exclusive to those with German blood, No more immigration of non-germans, Destruction of the treaty of Versailles, a strong central government, Generous provisions for old age pensioners
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Causes of the Munich Putsch
Hitler thought would be supported as WR was unpopular, as: Ending of passive resistance in the Ruhr made it look like they were giving in to the French, hyperinflation was at its height and Germany had resumed reparations
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Key Events of the Munich Putsch
8 November Storm Troopers stormed into Munich Beer Hall, forced Barvarian PM at gun point to support them. 9 November Bavarian PM betrayed them, and 16 Nazis were killed
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Results of the Munich Putsch
Hitler was put on trial and was sentenced to 5 years to prison, however was released after 9 months for 'good behaviour'. Trial gave him oppurtunity to gain publicity, had sympathisers within the judiciary as he only served 9 months in great comfort
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Reasons for Failure
Army was still loyal to WR, Loyalty of the Bavarian politicians had been underestimated, Hitler thought that German people would rise up to support him but they did not
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Short term effects of Munich Putsch
Seen as a disaster, Hitler was imprisoned and banned from speaking publicly for 9 months --> Did not foresee betrayal of Barvarians and underestimated force of police and army, overestimated support
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Long Term Effects of the Munich Putsch?
Gave Hitler the publicity as well as made him realise he needed to change his strategies. Gained publicity, was no longer an unknown politician
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Hitler's change in strategies after the Munich Putsch?
Realised that he must gain power through democratic means, appointed Goebbels as head of propaganda, work within the democratic system to gain power. Realised he needed support of the army and business community.
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Why did the Nazis have little success by the end of the 1920s? [5]
Nazi Party banned, the SA had a reputation of being thugs which people hated, Hitler being arrested for high treason put people off, content with the government, failed to gain the support of the workers who supported the communists
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How did the Nazis (Goebbels) use propaganda to increase support?
Used rallies to gain support (broadcasted live) // Gave frequent speeches to appeal to the patriotism of German people by promising to make Germany 'great' again // Hitler's promises of a strong central government & reducing unemployment appealed
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How did Hitler win over different groups of people?
Wealthy businessmen: promising strong stand against communism & trade unions, Nationalist: promising to return Germany to it's former glory,Middle class: reduce in employment, Farmers: creation of project and employment sources
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How did the depression help Hitler?
Caused a period of chaos in Germany, the current government was unable to provide solutions [Unemployement had reached 6 million by 1932], promised to reduce unemployement
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[Elections of 1932-33] Presidential Elections of 1932
Presidential Election: 1932, Hitler opposed Hindenburg and blamed 'November Criminals' & Jews for Germany's problems, lost in the end
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[Elections of 1932-33] Elections for the Reichstag, July 1932
Nazis were the largest party in the Reichstag with 230 seats however was not enough to get a overall majority. Hitler demanded presidency, Hindenburg was suspicious so appointed Von Papen instead
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[Elections of 1932-33] Elections for Reichstag, November 1932
Von Papen lacked support, called another election. Nazi's dropped to 192 seats but still remained the largest party
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How did Hitler become Chancellor in January 1933?
Von Papen found it impossible to form a stable government, von Schleicher replaced him,experienced similar problems. Towards end Jan 1933, von Papen convinced Hindenburg to agree to a political deal, Hitler would become chancellor
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Causes of the Munich Putsch


Hitler thought would be supported as WR was unpopular, as: Ending of passive resistance in the Ruhr made it look like they were giving in to the French, hyperinflation was at its height and Germany had resumed reparations

Card 3


Key Events of the Munich Putsch


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Results of the Munich Putsch


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Reasons for Failure


Preview of the front of card 5
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