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6. What is the evidence of SCP?

  • Alot of evidence that increased security in cars, satelites, locking systems has reduced level of car theft in UK to 1%, increased CCTV in shops means more shoplifters caught (98%)
  • Some evidence that increased security in cars, satelites, locking systems has reduced level of car theft in UK, increased CCTV in shops means more shoplifters caught
  • Some evidence that increased security in cars, satelites, locking systems has reduced level of car theft in UK, increased CCTV in shops means more shoplifters deterred

7. Does Wilson believe crime is rational and what to do about it?

  • Yes, if benefits outweigh costs then choose to commit crime, more police and harsher sentences only have litmited impact, Certain and quick penalties are effective, other measures as well
  • No,violent crimes arent thought out as due to drugs and alcohol, more police and harsher sentences only have litmited impact, Certain and quick penalties are effective, other measures as well
  • Yes, if benefits outweigh costs then choose to commit crime, more police and harsher sentences have massive impact, Certain and quick penalties are ineffective, other measures as well

8. What envrionmental solutions does Wilson suggest?

  • Any sign or decline (broken windows, graffiti) must be fixed immediatley or detoriates, No pulblic buildings exceed 3 floors & residents take responsibility for communal spaces, police tackle all types of crimes and disorder
  • Any sign or decline (broken windows, graffiti) must be fixed immediatley by offender or detoriates, No pulblic buildings exceed 3 floors & residents take responsibility for communal spaces, police tackle only incivilities
  • Any sign or decline (broken windows, graffiti) must be fixed immediatley or detoriates, No pulblic buildings exceed 3 floors & residents take responsibility for communal spaces, police can tackle only serious crime again

9. What is Jones evaluation of Wilson?

  • Lack of investment more important in decline of neighbourhood, If more attention to minor crimes then serious ones get away so unfair justice system, victims just move away
  • Lack of investment more important in decline of neighbourhood, If more attention to minor crimes then serious ones get away so unfair justice system, criminals just move away
  • Too much investment more important in decline of neighbourhood, If more attention to minor crimes then serious ones get away so unfair justice system, criminals just move away

10. What is Reintegrative Shaming?

  • Community based Punishment, unpopular with public and media, maybe more effective
  • Prison based Punishment, popular with public and media, maybe more effective
  • Religious community based Punishment, unpopular with ethnic minorities and media, more effective

11. DIED!!!

  • Over 40% prison pop in late teens and early 20s, only 15% over forty this supports right realists idea (Hirschi) that as age we get controls that prevent crime
  • Over 50% prison pop in late teens and early 20s, only 15% over forty this supports right realists idea (Hirschi) that as age we get controls that prevent crime
  • Over 80% prison pop in late teens and early 20s, only 15% over forty this supports right realists idea (Hirschi) that as age we get controls that prevent crime

12. What is the evaluation of retributive justice and who says em?

  • Garland - supported by more than 90% of prisoners reoffend / Braithwaite (Interactionist) - disintegrative shaming is bad as stigmatises studies show exoffenders cant reintegrate as label too powerful (master status), rejection stops reoffending
  • Garland - undermined by more than 60% of prisoners reoffend / Braithwaite (Interactionist) - disintegrative shaming is bad as stigmatises studies show exoffenders cant reintegrate as label too powerful (master status), rejection casuses reoffending
  • Braithwaite - undermined by more than 60% of prisoners reoffend / Garland (Interactionist) - disintegrative shaming is bad as stigmatises studies show exoffenders cant reintegrate as label too powerful (master status), rejection casuses reoffending

13. What are other evaluative points of retributive justice?

  • Ignores racism as cause of crime, some punishment seen as status symbol eg ASBOs, Neglects corporate deviance
  • Ignores poverty as cause of crime, some punishment seen as status symbol eg ASBOs, Neglects corporate crime
  • Ignores poverty as cause of deviance, some punishment seen as status symbol eg Life Sentence, Neglects occupational crime

14. What do Right Realists think about incarceration (imprisonment)?

  • Prison works as deters many potential offenders, takes many persistent&serious offenders out of society, gov in last 20yrs been imprisoning more, prison pop rising from 60,000 in 1997 to 84,000 in 2010
  • Prison doesnt work as deters few potential offenders, takes only the persistent&serious offenders out of society, gov in last 20yrs been imprisoning more, prison pop rising from 60,000 in 1997 to 84,000 in 2010
  • Prison works as deters many potential offenders, takes many persistent&serious offenders out of society, gov in last 20yrs been imprisoning less, prison pop falling from 84,000 in 1997 to 60,000 in 2010

15. What is the SCP solution?

  • Security Crime Prevention - Increasing oppurtunities for crime, encourages potential criminals to make themselves easy targets using security, more chance of being caught, deters criminals
  • Situational Crime Prevention - reducing oppurtunities for crime, encurages potential victims to make themselves harder targets using security, more chance of being caught, deters criminals
  • Social Crime Prevention - reducing oppurtunities for crime, encurages potential victims to make themselves harder targets using security, more chance of being caught, deters criminals

16. What does Wilson believe about crime?

  • Not due to poverty as 60's USA had major anti-poverty schemes but had increase in crime, many poor people (old&sick) dont commit crime so povety isnt cause
  • Due to poverty as 60's USA had major poverty and had increase in crime, few poor people (old&sick) dont commit crime so povety is cause
  • Not just due to poverty as 60's USA had major anti-poverty schemes but had increase in crime, many poor people (old&sick) dont commit crime so povety isnt only cause

17. What does Matthews say about crime prevention?

  • Many Criminals think wont get caught, better solution is to increase chance of imprisonment
  • Many Criminals think wont get caught, better solution is to increase chance of getting caught
  • Many delinquints think wont get caught, better solution is to increase chance of getting caught

18. What is Matthews evaluation of Wilson?

  • Influencital as zero tolerance policing taken up in USA only so cant aply to UK, little evidence that toleranting invicilities led to increase in crime, other way round
  • Influencital as zero tolerance policing taken up in UK & USA, little evidence that tolerating invicilities led to increase in crime, other way round
  • Influencital as zero tolerance policing taken up in UK, no evidence that tolerating invicilities led to increase in crime, other way round

19. What do Kellong and Wilson controversially believe?

  • That it's a waste of valuable rsources to put much effort into any area as only strong communities can deter criminality
  • That it's a waste of valuable rsources to put much effort into worst inner city areas, once broken down police cant restore order through arrests, should keep hopeful areas safe
  • That it's a waste of valuable resources to put much effort into hopeful areas as only strong communities can deter criminality

20. How else might SCP be evaluated?

  • Question the rational nature of street crime as most violent crime is due to drugs or alcohol, use of surveliance may be a problem as camera opperators hold same values as police officers so overfocus on young males - how police&courts see it
  • It has too much evidence so is suspicious
  • Question the irrational nature of street crime as most violent crime is due to choosing drugs or alcohol, use of surveliance maybe a problem as camera opperators hold same values as police officers so overfocus on young males-how police&courts see it