Right Realism 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: lw121xCreated on: 16-06-15 21:41 right realism see crime as affecting the flow of society 1 of 21 'Zero tolerance policy' is key to Right Realism 2 of 21 right realists correspond to conservative governments in the 1980's 3 of 21 there were no solutions to crime so right realists were important 4 of 21 rght realists regard labelling and critical criminology as too sympathetic and too hostile to law forces and order 5 of 21 biological causes of crime James Q Wilson 6 of 21 Wilso believed in the biosocial influences biological differences make them innately different and predisposed 7 of 21 effectiuve socialisation decreases the risk of biological factors 8 of 21 nuclear family right realists 9 of 21 murray believes that those that fail to socialise adequetely leads to deviant children 10 of 21 Murray "state dependency" 11 of 21 very existence of underclass threatens social cohesion murray 12 of 21 Rational choice theory is for right realists such as Ron Clarke 13 of 21 choice based on benefits or consequences Clarke 14 of 21 current percieved bheavioural control is low which is why crime rates are high 15 of 21 who argues rgar rgere must be motivation, suitable target and abscene of capable guardian Felson 16 of 21 Felson said that people act rationally when a guardian present 17 of 21 Right realists do not think it ia fruitful to deal with biological and social causes of crime since these can't be changed 18 of 21 Right realists aim to make crime look..... attractive less 19 of 21 who argues that 'broken windows' waawntial to keep crime out Wilson 20 of 21 right realists say that crime prevtion should increase costs to offender ie. 'target hardening' longer time 21 of 21
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