This is mostly due to modern medicine and farming methods that have reduced the number of people dying from disease and hunger
2 of 18
Name three stores of carbon
Oceans, green plants and peat bogs
3 of 18
Why is it so important to have stores of carbon?
It is important because it means that CO2 is removed from the atmosphere
4 of 18
What is global warming?
Is is how the Earth is heating up due to increasing levels of greenhouse gases
5 of 18
Give three reasons why people are cutting down large areas of forests?
1. For timber (building material) 2. To clear more land for farming 3. To produce paper for wood
6 of 18
Name the four main problems that deforestation could lead to
1. More methane in the atmosphere 2. More CO2 in the atmosphere 3. Less CO2 being taken in 4. Less biodiversity
7 of 18
Define biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variety of a species in a habitat
8 of 18
How could growing rice contribute to global warming ?
Rice is grown in warm, waterlogged conditions, which are ideal for decomposers. These organisms produce methane so more is released into the atmosphere, which contributes to the greenhouse effect
9 of 18
How is peat formed?
Plants that live in bogs don't fully decay as there's not enough oxygen. The partially-rotted plants gradually build up to form peat
10 of 18
Describe one way that scientists collect data about climate change
Satellites can be used to measure snow and ice cover, as well as the temperature of the sea surface
11 of 18
Which type of respiration does fermentation involve?
Anaerobic respiration
12 of 18
What are the two main components of biogas?
Methane and carbon dioxide
13 of 18
Name the two types of biogas generators
Batch and continuous generators
14 of 18
What can by-products from biogas generators be used for?
They can be used to fertilise crops and gardens
15 of 18
What is 'sustainable food production?'
Sustainable food production is having enough food without using resources faster than they renew
16 of 18
What are fishing quotas?
They are limits on the number and size of fish that can be caught in certain areas
17 of 18
Describe how enforcing a net size limit helps to conserve fish stocks
This will allow 'unwanted' species to escape and also means that younger fish will slip though the net, allowing them to reach breeding age
18 of 18
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is largely responsible for this trend?
This is mostly due to modern medicine and farming methods that have reduced the number of people dying from disease and hunger
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