4.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings
- Created by: PhilS
- Created on: 30-04-18 15:39
Events that take place during the fetch-execute cycle
Instruction fetched from memory, instruction decoded, instruction executed, process repeated, program counter is incremented, instruction is transferred to MDR, address of instruction to be fetched is placed in MAR
1 of 37
What is MDR in the fetch-execute cycle?
Memory Data register
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What is MAR in the fetch-execute cycle?
Memory address register
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What does increment mean?
Go up/increase
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What is an embedded system?
A system built into another device. E.g. software built into an MP3 player.
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Examples of devices with embedded systems (there are more, these are just a few)
Dishwasher, mobile phone, fridge, sat-nav, washing machine, mp3 player
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What does ROM stand for?
Read only memory
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What is the 'purpose' of ROM?
Stores the boot program / bootstrap loader / BIOS. Used to start the computer / Loads the operating system.
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What does RAM stand for?
Random Access Memory
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What is the 'purpose' of RAM?
Stores the parts of the OS / programs that are running. Stores the data currently in use for access by the CPU.
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What is secondary storage?
Long term/non-volatile storage of data/files. External/auxiliary storage of data
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Some examples of secondary storage
Optical, magnetic, solid state (do you also know what each is and how it works??)
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What is a network protocol
A protocol is on a network defines rules for data transmission and also defines the standards for data transmission.
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What is a layer in a network protocol?
A division of network functionality. Basically a layer is a way of splitting up jobs/processes on a network.
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An advantage of using layers to construct network protocols?
Each layer is self contained so allows developers to concentrate on one aspect of the network. A layer can be taken out and edited without affecting others. It can help different vendors and systems inter-operate (link their systems/work together)
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How is ASCII used to represent text in a computer?
Each character is given a code which is unique. Each letter is converted to its code which is a binary number so can be stored.
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Why can ASCII not represent text in ALL languages?
As ASCII only uses 8 bits it can only represent 255 distinct characters. More characters would be needed for all languages e.g. Unicode. Basically, the number of bits available per character means there is a limit on the number of symbols possible
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What is sampling and how is it used when storing sound?
The height and amplitude of the sound wave is measures at regular intervals and converted into binary so it can be stored
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What is the effect of a sampling interval on the quality of a sound file recorded?
If you sample more often (smaller interval) the quality is better quality as it is closer to the original sound
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What is the effect of samples interval on the 'size' of a sound file recorded?
if you sample more often (smaller interval) there is more data to store so the sound file is larger (and vice versa)
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What is 10110111 + 00101011?
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising your binary addition.
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How many bits are in a byte?
There are 8 bits in a byte
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How many bits are in a nibble?
There are 4 bits in a nibble
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Convert this number into denary 01110101
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising
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Convert this decimal into binary 182
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising
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If 43 is a hex number, what is it's value as a denary number?
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising
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How can you improve maintainability of computer programs?
Commenting the code to explain key functions, use of white space, indentation to show where constructs/sections start and finish, using constants so number can be updated easily
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What is an array in programming?
Like a variable but it holds more than one bit of data. For example; 9 different scores could be put in the array score[9] instead of having a separate variable for each score... score1, score2, score3, etc.
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What are the rules of writing an algorithm?
It will show any inputs needed, outputs, variables, constructs (loops or decisions), calculations, sub routines or functions needed, it is written in shorthand English e.g INPUT Num instead of Num = int(input("Please type in a number"))
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What is 94 in binary?
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising
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What is the ASCII code for the letter "Y"?
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising
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Convert 01010111 to denary
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising
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Convert 32 to binary and then to hex
No answer here - have a go at it! This one is about practising
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Convert the binary number 011020311111 to denary
Hopefully you said to yourself that binary numbers can only be 0s or 1s! Trick question.
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How could you ask a user to enter their name as an integer in Python?
Hopefully you said to yourself that you can't write a name as an integer. Integers are whole numbers but a name is a string. If you did want an integer though you would use int(). Trick question sorry!
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How could you use maintainability to help show where a loop starts and finishes?
You could use comments to explain what the loop is for. You could use indentation to show where the loop begins and ends.
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How can you revise well for this exam?
Personal preference but you could revisit notes & do something new with them, create mind maps of what you know, test yourself with flash cards or practice exam questions, form a study group and test each other. Whatever you do do it regularly! :o)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is MDR in the fetch-execute cycle?
Memory Data register
Card 3
What is MAR in the fetch-execute cycle?

Card 4
What does increment mean?

Card 5
What is an embedded system?

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