FTP= File Transfer Protocol, IP=Internet Protocol, HTTP= HyperText Transfer Protocol, TCP= Transmission Control Protocol, URL =Uniform Resource Locator
1 of 9
What happens when you request a web page.
The user request the web address which then downloads from the web server to the client pc via web browser.
2 of 9
State what functionality connects web pages together and how is it seen from the user perspective.
hyperlink and that it goes to different web pages.
3 of 9
what is a URL?
A URL is a string of characters that identifies a particular web page.
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The three parts to a URL.
(In order for left to right) Protocol, domain name and path.
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whats the difference when a HTTP or FTP see a pdf file on a web page
HTTP loads the page and a FTP with download to the location.
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which of these is not a tern used by a search engines? spiders,crawlers, bugs and bugs.
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client side processing advantages and disadvantages.
advantage: once its downloaded it will be fast and less change of being hack because as all the action are on the client's pc. disadvantages: its browser specific so not all browser will work because they use different
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RFID, OCR, OMR meaning
radio frequency identification, optical character recognition, Optical mark recognition
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What happens when you request a web page.
The user request the web address which then downloads from the web server to the client pc via web browser.
Card 3
State what functionality connects web pages together and how is it seen from the user perspective.
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