Revision 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe American West 1840-1895GCSEAQA Created by: thereallyallcolemanCreated on: 05-01-16 22:24 When Was Gold Discovered in California? 1848 1 of 9 Name 2 things the Mormons did in Ohio Became prosperous : Set up a bank : Opened facilities : Outnumbered Non-Mormons : Brought Land 2 of 9 Name 2 things the Mormons did in Missouri Brought Land : Became Prosperous : Were Friendly with Indians : Wanted to free Slaves : Set up the Danites : Became Prosperous 3 of 9 Name 2 things the Mormons did in Illinois Re-Built a town and named it "Nauvoo" : Practiced Polygamy : Criticized Joseph Smith for being a leader : Chose Brigham Young as their Leader 4 of 9 What was the role of the Mountain Men in the development of the West? They were the first white men to cross the rocky mountains and came back with stories of fertile land and gold to encourage migration. 5 of 9 Why was fencing a problem with farming on the plains and how was it solved? It was a problem because without it, cattle would get in to the crops and eat them; this was solved by the invention of barbed wire in 1874. 6 of 9 How did the Railroad companies solve the labour shortages? They brought in 7,000 - 10,000 chinese immigrant workers. 7 of 9 Apart from labour shortages, what were the two other problems faced by the Railroad Companies? Poor Living & Working Conditions : Rough Terrain 8 of 9 Name a Pull Factor that encouraged migration West Gold Discovered in California 1848 : Mountain men tell of Fertile Land : Stories of Gold Miners making themselves rich 9 of 9
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