The gases from (i) air breathed in, (ii) air breathed out, (iii) just above a lit bunsen burner flame and (iv) the gases left over after burning a candle inside an up-turned beaker where analysed. From the results quoted below, which analysis is most like
76% nitrogen, 15% oxygen, 4% carbon dioxide, 5% water vapour
1 of 2
Respiration equation: __(1)__ + __(2)__ arrow.gif __(3)__ + __(4)__ (1) is a soluble solid that might be described as the 'fuel'. (2) is a gas breathed in from air. (3) is a gas breathed out from the lungs. (4) is a colourless liquid. What is the chemical
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Card 2
Respiration equation: __(1)__ + __(2)__ arrow.gif __(3)__ + __(4)__ (1) is a soluble solid that might be described as the 'fuel'. (2) is a gas breathed in from air. (3) is a gas breathed out from the lungs. (4) is a colourless liquid. What is the chemical