Respiration and Life 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyRespiration and exerciseGCSEWJEC Created by: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeCreated on: 22-04-14 10:41 Respiration if a feature of... All living things 1 of 23 What is the process that occurs inside cells to release the energy from food substances? Respiration 2 of 23 The energy released by respiration is needed for... All life processes 3 of 23 When oxygen is used in respiration it is called __________ Aerobic respiration 4 of 23 When there is not enough oxygen available cells may switch to _______ Anaerobic respiration 5 of 23 Which releases more energy? Aerobic respiration 6 of 23 _____ of the chemical reactions in respiration are controlled by enzymes All 7 of 23 What is breathing? The process that gets oxygen into the body for respiration 8 of 23 Glucose + oxygen -------------> carbon dioxide + water + ENERGY Aerobic respiration 9 of 23 Is respiration a single reaction? No, the equation only summarises 10 of 23 Is all of the energy from respiration useful? No, some is lost as heat 11 of 23 Measuring the amount of carbon dioxide or heat given off in a certain time or measuring thee oxygen used in a given time can find the __________ Rate of respiration 12 of 23 Which is more efficient? Aerobic respiration, more energy is released per molecule of glucose 13 of 23 Glucose ----> lactic acid + ENERGY Anaerobic respiration 14 of 23 Can anaerobic respiration occur in human muscle cells during vigorous exercise when demand for oxygen is greater than the lungs can supply? Yes 15 of 23 What is the shortage of oxygen called in such situations? Oxygen debt 16 of 23 How does the body pay back the 'oxygen debt'? By breathing faster and deeper for a while after exercise has finished 17 of 23 What does the 'paid back' oxygen do? Break down lactic acid into carbon dioxide and water 18 of 23 What is yeast? Microscopic fungi 19 of 23 Which is anaerobic respiration in yeast? Glucose -----> ethanol + carbon dioxide + ENERGY 20 of 23 Ethanol is... An alcohol 21 of 23 In anaerobic respiration, what produces carbon dioxide? Yeast 22 of 23 Fermentation is.... Anaerobic respiration in yeast 23 of 23
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