it is a stock or supply of something that has value or purpose
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how many people suffer from malnutrition
2 billion people
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what happens if your malnourished
you can get a range of illness or diseases and your work life will be affected as well
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what is water vital for
crops and food supply
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what are reasons for a imbalance of water
climate and rainfall
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what is energy needed for
it is required for economic development
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why is energy consumption increasing
because the world is becoming more developed and more advanced
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how is demarnd for food changing in the uk
the population will rise and therefore increase demand
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why does the uk import food
demand for greater choice and exotic foods, uk climate is unsuitable for production of some foods and cheaper to import for customers and supermarkets
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how is the uk responding to the challenges
by locally sourcing more food eg: agribusiness and organic produce
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what are the demands for water like in the uk
high as of growing population, more houses being built and a increase in water dependent appliances
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does the uk water supply meet the demand
the uk receives enough rain to supply the demand but in some areas there is not always rain and therefore a lack of water
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what can you do the help manage water supplies
use domestic water meters, using more recycled water and more efficient appliances
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what is water transfer
it is where you transfer water to areas that have a lack of water
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why are people against water transfer
it has a effect on land and wildlife, high costs and lots of greenhouse gases released through the process of pumping water
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how do you manage water quality
monitoring, filtration, purifying, restricting recreational use of water sources and imposing strict regulations on the uses of water
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how is the demand for energy in the uk changing
it is increasing as of the rising population
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how has the uk energy mix changed
there is more renewable energy being used as a whole
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why is the uk energy mix changing
oil and gas reserves have nearly been used up and uk imports a lot of energy which will affect their energy security as they are relying on imported energy
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what is the issue with fracking
the possibility of earthquakes, pollution of underground water sources and high costs
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