Religious Experience
4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
- Created by: Rebekah Miron Clayton
- Created on: 26-05-13 12:24
Religious Experience is...
A non empirical occurrence
1 of 36
Who said 'God establishes himself in the interior of the soul in such a way, that when I return to myself, it is wholly impossible for me to doubt that I have been in God and God in me'
Saint Teresa of Avila
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Direct experience is...
When the experiencer feels they are in direct contact with God
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Indirect experience is...
An inner experience of Gods action in creation (Immanence)
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Caroline Franks Davis in 'The evidential force of religious experience' says an awareness experience is...
Seeing gods work in the world
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Caroline Franks Davis in 'The evidential force of religious experience' says a quasi sensory experience is having a vision or inner experience of God BUT what does she deem a regenerative experience?
A conversion inducing one
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Caroline Franks Davis in 'The evidential force of religious experience' says a quasi sensory experience is having a vision or inner experience of God BUT what does she deem an interpretative experience?
Having your prayers answered
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What common themes did Andrew Greeley find when surveying USA testimonies of corporate experience?
Deep inner peace, certainty that everything would turn out for the better, charitable emotions, a belief in love, joy and emotional intensity
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Who said religious experience... "offers a sense of the ultimate and an awareness of whole ness, a consciousness of the infinite and an absolute dependence"
Edward schleirmacher
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Who said in their I and Thou philosophy that... "people experience God through interacting with people and nature. I-It are simple relationships. I-Thou are deeper"
Martin Buber
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Who said "religious experience is the feeling of an encounter followed by a special understanding of its religious significance"
Paul Tillich
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Who said religious experience was..."an expression of a persons psychological needs, the argument from personal experience is the one that is most convincing to those who claim to have had one. But it is the least convincing to anyone else"
Especially anyone knowledgable about psychology" Dawkins
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What is a dramatic conversion event?
A direct numinous experience, a vision that offers evidence of gods wholly otherness and offers awe and wonder
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Give an example of a dramatic conversion event?
Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9)
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What is a religious experience of responses to life and the world?
Gentler indirect experience, enhancing a persons understanding of life and the world
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What is a revelatory experience?
Direct divine self disclosure, knowledge received
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Where is this quote relating to near death experience from? "The divine being of clear light will appear in whatever shape will benefit all beings"
The Tibetan book of the dead
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What is a mystical experience?
Being overwhelmed through communication with the divine that transcends the ordinary spatio temporal world.
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What happened to mother julian of Norwich?
While ill received 16 showings. An uneducated woman rendered insightful on her evaluations of showings
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What are the four characteristics of mystic experience William James defined?
Ineffability (feelings that defy description) noetic quality (revelation of universal truth) transciency (brief, profound experience) passivity (feeling of being overwhelmed, taken over)
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Which was a corporate experience?
Toronto blessing
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What factors can most prominently lead to religious experience?
Music and atmosphere, prayer, meditation
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Who said..."when I pray, coincidences happen, when I don't, they don't"
Archbishop William temple
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The inductive arguments uses the premises that
Experience of X indicates the reality of Y, it is possible to experience X, So Y must exist.
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Who said... "an omnipotent and perfectly good creator will seek to interact with his creatures and, in particular with human persons capable of knowing him"
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What argument does Swinburne put forward vis a vis empiricism
We experience God empirically through our senses, and interpret it non empirically using our religious sense
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The cumulative argument is that...
All arguments for religious experience are more convincing together than alone
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Who said... "There is not to be found in all of history, any miracle attested by a sufficient number of men, of any such unquestioned good sense, education and learning, as to secure us against all delusion"
David Hume
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What is Swinburnes principle of testimony?
In the absence of social considerations, the experiences of others are, probably, as they report them
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What is Swinburnes principle of credulity?
Since thousands have experienced what seems to them to be of God, then it is a basic principle of rationality to believe them
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What percentage of people have been revealed in recent empirical research to have had a religious experience?
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Ludwig Wittgensteins opinion was that...
Each person views an experience differently, so all testimonies are unreliable
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R. M. Hare believed
Religious experiences are a blik. Unverifiable and unfalsifiable and so unreliable.
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Peter vardys view was that... (we love a bit of vardy)
It depends on presuppositions.
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Which isn't a flaw to the argument
There have been thousands of testimonies universally.
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Who said... "if we are gullible, we don't recognise hallucinations or lucid dreaming for what it is and we claim to have seen or heard a ghost, or an angel, or god, such visions and manifestations are certainly not good grounds for believing"
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who said 'God establishes himself in the interior of the soul in such a way, that when I return to myself, it is wholly impossible for me to doubt that I have been in God and God in me'
Saint Teresa of Avila
Card 3
Direct experience is...

Card 4
Indirect experience is...

Card 5
Caroline Franks Davis in 'The evidential force of religious experience' says an awareness experience is...

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