Religious experience 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Emily UffindellCreated on: 06-02-15 10:05 What is sometimes used as an a posteriori argument for the existence of God? Religious experience. 1 of 6 What 2 catgeories does Swinburne classify religious experience? 1. Public 2.Private 2 of 6 What are public religious experiences? Where people percieve the action of God through an ordinary event. 3 of 6 For example: Through the beauty of a sunset. 4 of 6 What are private religious experiences? Happen to those who then describe them in ordinary language. 5 of 6 For example: Moses' experience at the burning bush (exodus 3). 6 of 6
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