The scientific theory that the universe expanded from an infinitely small and infinitely dense point of energy called a singularity
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continuous creation/God as sustainer
The belief that God continues to be involved in creation in every moment since the Big Bang.
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The belief that God is responsible for the start of creation but then takes no further interes
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design argument
The various forms of the argument all share in common the inference of the existence of God from a particular aspect or character of the world, namely the presence of order, regularity and purpose.
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evolutionary theory
Famously championed by Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871). He demonstrated that life on Earth is the result of purely natural, biological processes.
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god of the gaps
The theory that God is the answer to questions and problems that science is otherwise unable to resolve.
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An event that lies beyond normal human knowledge and understanding. It is an event with religious significance. It could be a natural miracle wherein God interferes with nature (parting of Red Sea) or healing.
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natural law
Natural law comes from God and guides human moral behaviour.
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progressive creationism/old earth
The belief that the creation stories in Genesis are an accurate description of creation but that some elements of these stories may be interpreted liberally, i.e. that the 7 days of creation really refers to 7 eras.
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six day creationism/young earth
A belief (originating from Archbishop Ussher) that the earth is relatively young and that it was created in exactly 6 days.
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A branch of knowledge or study that is characterised by obtaining its evidence through provable and repeatable experimentation and observation.
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Physical wounds which appear on religious believers in imitation of the wounds of Christ on the cross.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The belief that God continues to be involved in creation in every moment since the Big Bang.
continuous creation/God as sustainer
Card 3
The belief that God is responsible for the start of creation but then takes no further interes
Card 4
The various forms of the argument all share in common the inference of the existence of God from a particular aspect or character of the world, namely the presence of order, regularity and purpose.
Card 5
Famously championed by Charles Darwin in The Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871). He demonstrated that life on Earth is the result of purely natural, biological processes.
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