Religious Studies- (GCSE) Spring Term (Yr.10)
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- Created by: lizzie.0602
- Created on: 08-01-18 16:25
define protest
an expression of disapproval, often in a public group, eg a train driver strike
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what are the laws on protesting ? (finish when printed)
you are allowed to protest in public to demonstrate your views, if the protest involves a march the police have to be informed at least six says before, the police can request alterations to the route or even apply for a court order to ban the march.
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define terrorism
the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
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what are the three main causes of war ?
greed: desire for something, self defence: acting to prevent harm to yourself or others, retaliation: deliberately harming someone as a response to them harming you
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what is an example of war caused by greed ?
the israeli- palestinian conflict over land and them both thinking its theres
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what is an example of war caused by self defence ?
ww2 uk had to defend themsleves from the nazis
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what is an example of war caused by retalliation ?
the us army fought back from the afgan group which caused the twin towers to fall
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what is the just war theory ?
its a checklist which is used to help decide whether it is right to participate in a war and how the war should be waged
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what is part of the just war criteria ?
the war is controlled by proper authority, must be a cause for a war not just an act of aggression, must promote good and overcome evil, must be a last resort, must have a reasonable chance of success, must be fair, good outcome and peace restored
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what is an example of a just war ?
when one country invades the other and the invaded country's army fights to protect themselves
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what does WMD mean ?
weapons of mass destruction
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what are the four types of WMD weapons ?
nuclear weapons- atomic bombs, biological warfare- uses living diseases to attack humans,radiological warfare- dirty bombs, the use of bombs which disperse radioactive material, chemical warfare- use of non living toxins, mustard gas
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what are the religious views on WMDs ?
no religion justifies the use of weapons
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why do people bully others ?
jealousy, boredom, their beliefs, race, for banter
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define bullying
intimidating/ frightening people weaker than yourself
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what is the Christian attitude towards bullying ?
its wrong because its discrimination and can cause harm to others
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what are some of the quotes towards bullying with christians ?
"do others as you would have them do to you" "love one another. as i have loved you so you must love one another"
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define forgiveness
stopping blaming someone and/or pardoning them for what they have done wrong
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define reconciliation
bringing together people who were opposed to each other
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what are the christian teachings on forgiveness ?
"love your neighbour as yourself" "if you do not forgive others sins, your father will not forgive your sins
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what are examples of evidence for a twelve marker to do with peace and conflict ?
the golden rule- do others as you would have them do to you, the parable of the sheep and goat
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what did the parable of the sheep and goat show christians ?
that they will be judged at the end of time, they must show care to those in need, when they help others they are serving jesus, they will be rewarded for helping others
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define worship
the act of showing admiration for a god Eg. praying
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define transubstantiation
the belief that the bread and wine turns into the blood and body of jesus
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what happens in the first stage of mass ? (introductory rite)
priest welcomes congregation and the congregation confess their sins and ask for forgiveness
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what happens in the second stage of mass ? (liturgy of the word)
2 readings from bible, congregation recite psalms, 1 gosbel reading, sermon is given which focusses on occasion, all recite one of the creeds
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what happens in the third stage of mass ? (liturgy of the Eucharist)
bread and wine bought to altar, last supper rein acted through prayers and the bread and wine become the body an blood of jesus, congregation come to altar and receive bread, a hymn is sung
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what happens in the final stage of mass ? (concluding rite)
final blessing is given and people are sent out from mass to serve god in the community
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what is an infant baptism ?
priest welcomes family of child and prayers are said, god parents questioned,sign of cross made on head and water poured three times on babys head and the priests remind parents of their responsibilities
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what is an adult baptism ?
the minister gives a sermon and asks if they repent their sins, testemony is given, taken to baptisery and immursed in water, holy spirit now guides you through life
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what are the similarities in adult and infant baptisms ?
both wear white and are held on a sunday, a way of cleansing sin, both symbolise same things, takes place at altar
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define initiation
when youre welcomed into a club
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define vocation
a job you do because of enjoyment not money
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define rite
a ceremony which is used to do with a certain thing
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define laity
baptised christians serving in their every day lives
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what does the holy spirit represent/ portray ?
wisdom, knowledge, right judgement, wonder and awe,reverence, courage, understanding
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what does shrove tuesday represent ?
the day before lent starts and its when you confess your sins
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what does ash wednesday represent ?
the start of lent
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what does lent represent ?
the time christians give up things that are important to them for a 40 day period
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what is the point of palm sunday ?
for christians to remember when jesus rode into jerusalem on a donkey, a donkey as its not threatening, the crowds layed down palm leaves for the donkey to ride over to show their respect for jesus
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what is maundy thursday ?
it was when the last supper took place and jesus washed the feet of his disiples as a sign of service to them, the soldiers came and arrested jesus + jesus went on trial
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what is good friday ?
the day of the crucifixion, he was beaten and mocked before being nailed to the cross
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what happens on maundy thursday ?
18:00 last supper, 21:00 judas goes and betrays Jesus
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what happens on good friday ?
2:00 jesus arrested, 7: trial starts, 9:00 trial given to king herod, 11:00 people choose to kill jesus, 12:30 Jesus crucified, 15:30 jesus died
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what jewish holy day is easter saturday ?
sabbath, nothing happens to do with christians
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what happens on easter sunday?
Jesus rises from the dead and is discovered to have been resurrected
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whys the holy week important for christians ?
the belief of ressurection is a key message for christians, makes christians believe they can connect with jesus because of these events, gives christians hope that death isnt 'the end'
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what do christians do at easter ?
a vegil is held, candles and fire are lit and carried into a dark church, priests wear gold or white and an easter garden is made with flowers to represent tombs
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are the laws on protesting ? (finish when printed)
you are allowed to protest in public to demonstrate your views, if the protest involves a march the police have to be informed at least six says before, the police can request alterations to the route or even apply for a court order to ban the march.
Card 3
define terrorism

Card 4
what are the three main causes of war ?

Card 5
what is an example of war caused by greed ?

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