The belief that God will restore the whole of the world to perfection; it rejects the belief that hell is eternal
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What is middle knowledge?
The knowledge which God has of all possible events in the world as performed by free agents. It is so-called because it is midway between natural knowledge and free knowledge.
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What is unicity?
Oneness or singleness
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What is inculpable ignorance?
Those who cannot be blamed for not having heard or understood the Gospel due to age, place, culture, time in history or poor teaching.
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What is unitary theological pluralism?
John Hick - motivated to develop a global theology which aids greater understanding between the great world religions. Argues that there is one underlying 'Real'.
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What is pluriform theological pluralism?
Many 'reals' are experienced by each religion- no 1 religion has definite knowledge of the 'Real'-each religion has its own version of salvation/liberation/knowledge, supported by Keith Ward. Religious beliefs=different but reasons for them are valid
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What is ethical theological pluralism?
Paul Knitter: all religions share soteriological aim of liberating humans from suffering/injustice so are soteriocentric not reality-centred. Inspired by liberation theology/primary purpose of religious community is praxis.
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What did Knitter say the primary aim of religion is?
Justice & concern for others. Purpose of theology=to provide the means whereby diff religions can share and discuss differing perspectives of justice. Will enhance/develop each religions understanding of reality. Must be open to new interpretations
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What is structural inclusivism?
The position that any religion whose structures develop an openness to God's grace as revealed in JC may receive God's salvation. Developed by Karl Rahner.
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What is restrictive inclusivism?
Although God makes provisions for those who haven't heard the gospel but respond positively to natural law/conscience/true elements of their religion. Don't believe a non-Christian religion can be salvific, as Rahner does. May be at best good prep.
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What are the criticisms of exclusivism?
RAE=cause of Christian imperialism/religious conflict, presents unjust/unloving God, UAE lacks consistency, wrongly judges universalism as undermining Christian controlling beliefs.
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What are the criticisms of inclusivism?
Has made Christianity imperalist/offensive to non-Christians, Christians could be Anon Buddhists etc, anon Christianity/invisible church=unbiblical, fides ex auditu impossible for anon C's. Anon C's:better off as non-C's in case they reject gospel?
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What are the criticisms of pluralism?
UTP=exclusivism?, Hick's use of Kant leads to agnosticism, UTP presupposes all religions have sense of Real but Buddhism rejects this, D'Costa: global theology has no specific content, nonchristian
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is middle knowledge?
The knowledge which God has of all possible events in the world as performed by free agents. It is so-called because it is midway between natural knowledge and free knowledge.
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