religion&beliefs - religion as a radical force- RELIGION AND SOCIAL PROTEST 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: lilyodellCreated on: 07-03-19 09:55 which sociologist compares the two case studies as examples of religion inspiring protest and social change? Steve Bruce 1 of 8 what are the two case studies they refer to as evidence for religion causing social change? the civil rights movement and the new christian right 2 of 8 how does the american civil right movement cause social change? the american civil right movement was sued to support protests to contribute chnage 3 of 8 what 2 changes were made? acting as an honest broker and mobilising public opinion 4 of 8 what is 'acting as an honest broker'? churches can provide a context fro negotiating change because they are often respected by both sides in a conflict 5 of 8 what is 'mobilising public opinion'? black churches in the south successfully campaigned for support across the whole of America 6 of 8 bruce sees the civil rights movement as an examples of......................? religion becoming involved in secular struggle and helping to bring about change 7 of 8 what is the new christian right an example of? it is an example of a religious movement aiming for 'conservative social change'- changing society back to a previous form 8 of 8
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