written on tiny scrolls and placed in small leather pouches (tefillin). Tefillin is strapped to forehead/left arm of Jewish males, worn during prayer. Also placed in small boxes (MEZUZAH) and tied to doorposts.
1 of 7
What is the Synagogue?
Place of Jewish worship, holy, on saturday morning, rectangular, means ASSEMBLY and MEETING. Often used as a place of study or as a community centre.
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What is the Menorah?
Seven branched candle stick, original symbol of Jewish people, represents bruning bush, originally lit every evening.
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What is the Mezuzah?
Wooden box containing Shema scrolls, placed at doors of Jewish homes, observant Jews place them on all doors.
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What is the Tefillin?
Special leather pouches/boxes, Jewish men tie to foreheads/arms in prayer, handwritten text from Torah.
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What is the Prayer Shawl?
Also known as Tallit,special, worn by Jewish men at morning synagogue services. Tassels (reminder of God's 10 commandments), devout Jewish men wear them 24/7 under their shirts.
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What is the Kippah?
Skull cap, worn during prayer to show respect to God, may be of any colour.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Place of Jewish worship, holy, on saturday morning, rectangular, means ASSEMBLY and MEETING. Often used as a place of study or as a community centre.
What is the Synagogue?
Card 3
Seven branched candle stick, original symbol of Jewish people, represents bruning bush, originally lit every evening.
Card 4
Wooden box containing Shema scrolls, placed at doors of Jewish homes, observant Jews place them on all doors.
Card 5
Special leather pouches/boxes, Jewish men tie to foreheads/arms in prayer, handwritten text from Torah.
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