Voluntary associations of individuals created to promote works of Christian charity or devotion
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The view that the State should have authority over the Church
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The area under the pastoral care of a bishop in the Christian Church
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The pure state a soul needed to be in to enter Heaven
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Traditional Catholic thinking, the state in which the souls of the dead were purged of their sins before they could enter the kingdom of Heaven
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The Christian belief that the substance of bread and wine changed into the substance of the body and blood of Christ by a validly ordained priest during the consecration of Mass
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What were the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, confirmation, marriage, anointing of the sick, penance, holy orders, Eucharist
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Welcomed the newly born infant into the community
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Marked the transition from childhood to adulthood
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The community could witness two individuals pledging themselves to each other
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Anointing of the sick
Prepared the dying for their passage into the next world
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In which the individual sought God's forgiveness for the sins which he or she had committed
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Holy Orders
The process in which the priest became empowered to deliver the sacraments (rituals) to others
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Church members received Christ's body and blood to be nourished spiritually and physically and brought closer to God
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Corpus Christi
Literal meaning 'body of Christ'. It is the feast of the Catholic Church which celebrates the 'blessed sacrament' - developed with increasing emphasis on transubstantiation
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A person who makes a charitable donation
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Chapels where Masses for the souls of the dead took place
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The action of saying a prayer on behalf of another; in traditional Catholic thinking it was the role of the Priest to intervene with God on behalf of the individual
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A journey to a place of religious devotion
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The denial of the validity of the Church's key doctrines
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Opposition to the Church's role in political and other non-religious matters
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Refers collectively to those who were not members of the religious orders
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A cultural and intellectual movement (beginning in Italy) which emphasised the revival of interest in classical learning and the arts
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A system of philosophical analysis in the medieval period
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Minstrels' gallery
A medieval singer or musician who performed to the nobility
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A medieval and renaissance wind instrument, forerunner of the oboe, having a penetrating tone
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A medieval wind instrument, forerunner to the trombone
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Something not connected with spiritual or religious matters
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Style of architecture in Western Europe in 12th to 16th centuries, pointed arches and large windows were characteristic features
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Perpendicular style
The dominant form of church architecture in England from later 14th to early 16th century, emphasis on vertical lines, famous example King's College Cambridge
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Refers to the code of conduct for medieval knights of the realm; emphasised bravery, military skill, generosity in victory, piety, and courtesy to women
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The view that the State should have authority over the Church
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