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- Created by: leobarnard1
- Created on: 05-02-20 09:34
what is rehabilitation
process of restoring full phsical function after an injury has occured
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what does rehab restore
strength, fkexibility, endurance, speed
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what are the 3 stages of rehab
early stage: exercises encouraging damage to heal mid stage: progressive loading of connective tissue and bones to develop strength late stage: functional exercise and drills to ensure the body is ready to return to training
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what does SALTAPS stand for
Stop the game Ask questions about the injury Look at specific signs Touch gently Ask if the can move injuried part of the body Put the joint through the full range of motion Stand or put pressure on injury
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what does PRICE stand for
Proctect injury Rest injury for first 2-3 days Ice the painful area to reduce swelling Compress injury with bandages Elevate injury level with heart
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what are the causes to injury
lack of preparation, incorrect technique, over training, collision
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what is an acute injury
occures ata specific moment, is a sudden injury associated with a trumatic event (boxer breaking their jaw)
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what is a chronic injury
an injury that occurs after a long period of time, caused by repeated movement (tennis elbow)
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what is a hard injury
damage to bone, cartalge, joint. this can lead to internal bleeding and requires hospital treatment
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what is a soft injury
damage of muscles, ligaments and tendons. symptons includes bruising and inflamation
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what is concussion
tramatic brain injury resulting in disturbance of the brain function
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what are the symptons of concussion
dizziness, loss of balance, headache, confussion, nausea
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what are the causes of concussion
direct blow to the head, bloe to another part of the body causing rapid movement of the head
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what is the aim of a warm up
minimise the risk of injury, maximise recovery
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how long should a warm up last
last 20-45 minutes, should gradually increase intensity
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what are the stages of a warm up
1) HR activities - increase, temperature, blood flow and breathing rate 2) stretching- mobilise joints, increase elaticity 3) sports specific drills
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what are the physical benefits of a warm up
raises temperature by 2-3 degrees, increase enzyme activities, increases diffusion gradient, increases metablic rate
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what are the effects of the benefits of a warm up
improves efficency of muscle contractiion, elasity increasing means reduced risk of injury
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what are the differnt rehabilitation methods
massages, NSAIDS, physiotherapy
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what are the benefits of massages
religning of connective tissue/ flushes toxins from damage area and moves flushes and nutrients through damage tissue/ stretches tissue releasing tension, pressure and improving elasticity/ reducees pain and generates heat, circutation and relaxation
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what are the negatives of using massages
can only be used of some soft tissue injuries
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what are the bensefits of using NSAIDS
reduces inflamation response and damage by inhibiting chemical causing inflamation/ examples include apsrin and ibroprfen
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what are the stages of usign physiotherapy
1) pain relif, minimise swelling, ice therapy 2) tailured exercise 3) restore normal range of motiuon
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what are the benefits of using physiotherapy
mobilisation and manipulation of joint and tissue / includes massages and electotherapy
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what is a dislocation
displacemant of one bone from another from their original position
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what are the symptoms of a dislocation
loss of movement, swelling, servere pain
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what are the causes of a dislocation
excessive force from collision
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what is the treatment for a dislocation
1)immediate medical attention 2)immobilise 3)PRICE 4)anit-flammatory 5)may require surgery 6)physiotherapy
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what is a fracture
a break in a bone which causes little movment
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what are the symptoms of a fracture
swelling, discomfort, loss of movement, serve pain,
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what are the causes of a frature
collision, falling, poor technique
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what is a simple and sever facture
a smiple fracture - will take several weels to recover/ a sever fracture -will take several months to recover
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what is the treatment for a fracture
1) medical attention 2) PRICE 3) medication 4) operation
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what is a stress fracture
a tiny crack on the surface of the bone caused by overuse
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what are the symptoms of a stress fracture
specific sport of pain during activity increasing getting worse
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what are the causes of a stress fracture
overtraining, intensity overload, unfamilar surface, inappropriate equipment
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what treatmwnt should be used of a stress fracture
1) medical attention, 2) PRICE 3) splint or brace 4) gentle return to activity 5) strebgthening activities
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what is spain
damage to the ligament that, connects bone to bone
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what are the symptoms of a sprain
pain and swelling, inability, discolouring
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what are the causes of a sprain
sudden twists, impact of falling, joints moves past range of movement
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what is the treatment for a sprain
1) medical attention 2) PRICE 3) strapping 4) pain medication 5) strengthening
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what is muscle damage
microscopic injuury to the muscle fibre
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what are the symptoms of muscle damage
pain, tenderness, swelling, stiffness
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what are the causes of muscle damage
excessive eccentric exercise, greater the intensity the greater the great the damage
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how to prevent muscle damge
warm ups, stretching, gradual increase in intensity
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what is the treatment for muscle damage
1) medical attention 2) cold therapy 3)message, stretching 4) pain medication
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what does rehab restore
strength, fkexibility, endurance, speed
Card 3
what are the 3 stages of rehab

Card 4
what does SALTAPS stand for

Card 5
what does PRICE stand for

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