defined food poverty as the inability to acquire or consume an adequate/sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways/ the percieved inability to do so
1 of 12
WHO, 2008
social determinants of health are circumstances shaped by distribution of power, money and resources at global/national/local levels. responsible for health inequalities, and unfair differences within/between countries.
2 of 12
Health Scotland, 2019
social determinants health: include employment, social exclusion, public health programmes, gender, poverty, income, wealth, power etc
3 of 12
BBC, 2018
Indore in India is 50% vegetarian
4 of 12
Black, 2010
investigated spatial variation in obesogenic environments, found black neighbourhoods and less £ ones had higheer levels of obesity due to amenity access (or lack thereof)
5 of 12
Frank et al., 2010
Walkability; characteristics of a place that encouraging its residents to move about and explore on foot
6 of 12
Engels, 1845
saw society of neglect, having witnessed effects of industrial revolution was concerned about health in urban society
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Virchow, 1848
medicine is a socical science and so therefore should be treated as such, social solutions > biomedical ones, proposed land and housing reform
8 of 12
Buchan, 2018
North/South Health divide, wealth pockets in London and wealthy southern regions
9 of 12
Williams, 2007
therapeutic landscapes, they inspire health promoting effects
10 of 12
WHO, 2008
social injustice is killing people on a grand scale, what good is it to send people back to the very environments that made them sick?
11 of 12
Swinburn et al., 2008
defined obesogenic envrironments as contributing to or inspiring obesity as theyr're not conducive to a healthy well-being
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
social determinants of health are circumstances shaped by distribution of power, money and resources at global/national/local levels. responsible for health inequalities, and unfair differences within/between countries.
WHO, 2008
Card 3
social determinants health: include employment, social exclusion, public health programmes, gender, poverty, income, wealth, power etc
Card 4
Indore in India is 50% vegetarian
Card 5
investigated spatial variation in obesogenic environments, found black neighbourhoods and less £ ones had higheer levels of obesity due to amenity access (or lack thereof)
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