reactions science revision 0.0 / 5 ? SciencereactionsGCSEAll boards Created by: 03baileymCreated on: 03-03-20 15:14 a change in which atoms are rearranged to make new substances chemical reaction 1 of 9 you can get back what you started with physical changes 2 of 9 neither acid or alkaline neutral 3 of 9 a substance that forms in the chemical reaction of an acid metal element salt 4 of 9 the starting substance in a chemical reaction reactant 5 of 9 used to classify an element as a metal or a non metal chemical properties 6 of 9 used to describe a chemical reaction in a simple way word equations 7 of 9 the substance that is made in a chemical reaction product 8 of 9 something that describes the patterns of metal reactions reactivity series 9 of 9
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