Reactions 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryReactionsASOCR Created by: XxxEllaxxXCreated on: 21-04-16 17:09 Alkanes --> Alkenes | Name the reaction Cracking 1 of 5 Alkanes --> Haloalkanes | Name the mechanism and correct conditions Mechanism- Radical substitution | Conditions- Ultraviolet light & 300C 2 of 5 Alkenes --> Alkanes | Name reaction and conditions Reaction- Hydrogenation | Conditions- 150C & Nickel catalyst 3 of 5 Alkenes--> Haloalkanes | Name the reaction, conditions & mechanism Reaction- Halogenation | Conditions- Room temp & pressure | Mechanism- Electrophilic addition 4 of 5 Alkenes--> Alcohols | Name the reaction & conditions Reaction- Hydration | Conditions- H3PO4 catalyst at 300C & 65atm 5 of 5
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