Reactions and conditions for A2 AQA chemistry

  • Created by: Hannamw
  • Created on: 29-05-18 10:38
What are the conditions for nucleophilic substitution: halogenoalkanes with cyanide?
Warm, ethanolic, reflux
1 of 11
Conditions & reactant for elimination of halogenoalkanes?
Hot, ethanolic, reflux, sodium hydroxide
2 of 11
Conditions for nucleophilic substitution with ammonia?
Warm, ethanolic
3 of 11
Carbon-halogen bond enthalpy increases...?
Up the group
4 of 11
How do you form alkyl hydrogen sulfates?
Alkenes with cold, conc sulfuric acid
5 of 11
How do you form an alcohol from alkyl hydrogen sulfates?
Add water
6 of 11
Conditions and reactants for acid hydrolysis of an ester?
Dilute acid, reflux
7 of 11
Aspirin CANNOT made be by which two chemicals?
Salicylic acid and ethanoic acid
8 of 11
What is washing?
Adding a liquid to impure product and shaking to remove impurities
9 of 11
What is a use of quaternary ammonium salts?
Cationic surfactants
10 of 11
What is the charge on the nitrogen atom in quaternary ammonium salts?
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Conditions & reactant for elimination of halogenoalkanes?


Hot, ethanolic, reflux, sodium hydroxide

Card 3


Conditions for nucleophilic substitution with ammonia?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Carbon-halogen bond enthalpy increases...?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you form alkyl hydrogen sulfates?


Preview of the front of card 5
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