RE Revision Unit 2 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesGCSEEdexcel Created by: Ella FitzsimmonsCreated on: 05-05-13 19:44 Why did Jesus forgive the paralysed man? His friends had faith in Jesus 1 of 20 What does the story of the paralysed man reassure Christians today? Their sins can be forgiven if they have faith in Jesus 2 of 20 What did Jesus tell the Pharisees in the story of the sabbath? God gave the Jews a day of rest to help them, not to cause a problem for them 3 of 20 What problems does 'the day of rest' cause for communities today? The UK is a multicultural and multi-faith society 4 of 20 What is a Corban? Is a gift to God, which may have been goods or money 5 of 20 What relevance does the story 'disagreements about law' cause for social and community cohesion? Jesus said that food and culture between religions and social groups are not important, what matters is the person inside 6 of 20 What did Jesus predict in the story of 'Jesus' predictions of his passion'? His suffering, his rejections, his execution and his resurrection 7 of 20 Why was Jesus telling Peter off harshly in the story 'Jesus' predictions of his passion'? For not understanding the real concept of the Messiah 8 of 20 Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem on a 'colt'? Riding a humble animal showed that this leader came in peace. 9 of 20 What does 'Hosanna' mean? God save us 10 of 20 Why did Jesus react violenty in the temple? People were trading in the temple which is the holiest site for Jews 11 of 20 Who did Jesus say the temple is open to? People of all nations 12 of 20 What did the scribes ask Jesus? Who gave you the authority to do this? 13 of 20 How did the scribes question lead to conflict? Whatever answer Jesus gave would make him guilty of some sin 14 of 20 What two different groups challenged Jesus in the story 'Paying taxes'? The pharisees and the Herodians 15 of 20 What did it show if Jews paid taxes to Caesar? They recognized the emperor as their leader and not as God, which was blasphemy 16 of 20 Why did the Sadducees not believe in life after death or angles? There was nothing about that in the first five books of the Bible 17 of 20 Why was no woman allowed more than one husband? Its adultery and forbidden in the Ten Commandments 18 of 20 What did the people in the house say about the expensive perfume being used up all at once? The money could have been better used to feed the poor 19 of 20 What significance of the plot to kill Jesus have on Christians today? That Jesus knew exactly what terrible things were going to happen to him, he accepted them as the will of God 20 of 20
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