RE Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: Eleanor16Created on: 16-06-14 16:37 Aramaic Jesus' first language, develpoed from the acient language of abraham 1 of 29 Gospel Good news. The gospels tell the good news of jesus' life, death and ressurection 2 of 29 incarnation the belief that god took human form in jesus 3 of 29 Messiah anointed one. a title referred to the person the jewish people thought would be king and lead them to freedom 4 of 29 Miracles something that breaks the laws of science 5 of 29 Palestine part of the acient roman province of syria, now mainly state of israel 6 of 29 parables a simple story to get across a deeper truth 7 of 29 pharisee jews, during the time of jesus, who strictly obeyed the laws of moses 8 of 29 ressurection the belief that the body will rise from the dead 9 of 29 saducees wealthy jews during the time of jesus whose influence came from temple worship 10 of 29 scribe an expert in jewish law during the time of jesus 11 of 29 persecuted to hunt down and punish people for their beliefs 12 of 29 treason opposing and threatening the government or the leaders of the state 13 of 29 early martyrs people who are willing to stand up for their faith, even if it means death 14 of 29 pagans people who believe in many gods rather than one god 15 of 29 missionaries people who are willing to go out to preach and teach about jesus 16 of 29 protestantism a section of the christian church which rejects/protests certain practises and beliefs in the catholic church 17 of 29 oath of supremacy solemn acceptance that the king and queen is the head of the church of england 18 of 29 emancipation being freed form rules, freed to carry on without restrictions or fear, freedom from ******* or slavery 19 of 29 priest holes hiding places where priests were concealed to avoid arrest 20 of 29 excommunicated to be cut off from the sacraments and communications with the church 21 of 29 allah arabic name for god, used by all muslims 22 of 29 hadith teachings based on the life of muhammed 23 of 29 hajj pilgramage to makkah 24 of 29 halal 'forbidden' food which muslims can eat 25 of 29 hijab veil; used to describe the modest dress worn by women 26 of 29 imam muslim leader and teacher 27 of 29 ka'bah a small shrine in the centre of the great mosque considered to be the most sacred place for muslims 28 of 29 qur'an msulims holy book 29 of 29
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