R.E revision

  • Created by: rhys321
  • Created on: 09-02-20 14:22
What is peace in Islam?
accept one of the following 1. Muslims are not pacifists, war may be needed 2. Muslims understand that peace to be directly related to justice and fairness 3. peace is the absence of oppression, corruption and injustice
1 of 10
How is Islam a religion of peace?
accept one of the following 1. Islam has been misrepresented when associated with terrorism. 2. Allah created a world with the intention of peace. 3. Muslims greet each other with peace be with you 4. The definition of Islam is peace
2 of 10
What are some Muslim teachings about peace?
accept one of the following 1. Allah created the world with the intention of peace being apart of it. 2. Muslims believe in the greater jihad, the personal struggle to find peace 3. Ummah demonstrates unity and peace 4. standing up for justice 5. war
3 of 10
What is an example of Muhammad and peace?
In the Hadith a man asks Muhammad "what act in Islam is the best?" Muhammad replied " To give food and to greet everyone with peace, weather you know them or not"
4 of 10
What is a Qur'an quote for peace?
"And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon this earth easily and when the ignorant address them (harshly) they say words (of peace)" Surah 25
5 of 10
What can cause conflict?
Accept one of the following 1. politics and ideology 2. nationalism and ethnicity 3. religion 4. economics
6 of 10
How do Muslims respond to conflict?
Accept one of the following 1. They should work together to achieve peace 2. They should try to live in harmony 3. Some conflict may be needed to achieve peace 4. generally conflict should be minimised
7 of 10
what are some non-religious views of conflict?
Accept one of the following 1. They are as responsible as religious people 2. Some think that religion causes conflict and conflict is a reason not to believe in God 3. One should use reason to avoid conflict 4. war may be needed to achieve peace
8 of 10
what are some religious views of conflict?
Accept one of the following 1. Muslims would reject the idea that most conflict is caused by religion 2. the wars fought by Muhammad were in self-defence and to achieve peace 3. wars, bloodshed and genocide are not caused because of God but the misus
9 of 10
What is a Qur'an quote for conflict?
" Fight in God's cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits" Surah 2
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is Islam a religion of peace?


accept one of the following 1. Islam has been misrepresented when associated with terrorism. 2. Allah created a world with the intention of peace. 3. Muslims greet each other with peace be with you 4. The definition of Islam is peace

Card 3


What are some Muslim teachings about peace?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an example of Muhammad and peace?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a Qur'an quote for peace?


Preview of the front of card 5
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