RE OCR AS course, evaluative points and units - Philosophy 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyASOCR Created by: BerbtatoCreated on: 17-05-17 12:56 Plato - World of Forms - Influences Explains beauty and Justice - But no Evidence - Also illogical 1 of 13 Plato - Form of the Good - Influences We don't all understand goodness in the same way - Aristotle, Cant explain negative emotions 2 of 13 Plato - Analogy of the cave - Influences Unclear concepts - Ayers, Goodness is not a concept its an emotion 3 of 13 Aristotle - 4 causes - Influences Plato and Descartes, find evidence based answers worthless, reason is supreme 4 of 13 Aristotle - Prime Mover - Influences Criticised from Thiests - Plato and Descartes, A priori arguments are primary 5 of 13 Plato - Soul Reincarnation still popular - Dawkins and Ryle, disagree that its seperate "No ghost in the machine"\ 6 of 13 Aristotle and 3 types of Soul Flew, Soul is our capabilities and cant live without the body - Ward, Soul is more than physical behaviour 7 of 13 Descartes - Soul Flew, Mind outliving the body is nonsensical - Convincing argument 8 of 13 Anselm argument 1- Ontology Guanilo, Flawed argument, same logic could wish a island into existence 9 of 13 Anselm argument 2 - Ontology Countered Guanilos argument well, idea of neccessary being used in other arguments to 10 of 13 Augustine's Theodicy - problem of evil God=Perfect so why Humans=Imperfect - No support in modern day 11 of 13 Irenean and Hick's Theodicy - Problem of evil Some suffer more than others - Some suffering is pointless - But our experiences coincide with it 12 of 13 Logical and Evidential Problems - Problem of evil Logical issue poses a threat to God - Inconsistent Triad a key threat 13 of 13
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