Going against God's will Eg breaking one of the 10 commandments. A person can sin though their thoughts words and actions.
1 of 18
Venial Sin
Sins that are not not seriously wrong
2 of 18
Mortal Sin
A grave sin committed deliberately and with full knowledge. These serious sins require the sacrament of reconciliation.
3 of 18
Original sin
The belief that everyone is born sinful. This means that they are born with a built in urge to disobey god and do bad things. It is inherited by Adam and Eve
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A sacrament in the roman catholic church where a person restores their relationship with God after they've sinned .
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Not showing forgiveness
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Acknowledging and stating ones sins.
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Making up for the damage caused by sin
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A genuine sense of being sorry for sins committed.
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The removal of the guilt caused by the sin. The final part of the sacrament of reconciliation.
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Not obeying the law by an established government
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To get your own back on the criminal
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To put people off committing crimes. An aim of punishment
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To stop a criminal hurting someone in society. An aim of punishment
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To change someone's behaviour for the better. An aim of punishment.
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A method of punishment. Taking away someone's usually in prison
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Community Service
A method of punishment. Forcing someone to undertake work for the community
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Death penalty/ Capital Punishment
Form of punishment in which a prisoner is put to death for crimes committed
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Sins that are not not seriously wrong
Venial Sin
Card 3
A grave sin committed deliberately and with full knowledge. These serious sins require the sacrament of reconciliation.
Card 4
The belief that everyone is born sinful. This means that they are born with a built in urge to disobey god and do bad things. It is inherited by Adam and Eve
Card 5
A sacrament in the roman catholic church where a person restores their relationship with God after they've sinned .
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