Re- key Hindu words 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesHinduismGCSEWJEC Created by: LucooperCreated on: 21-04-17 14:21 Atman Your soul 1 of 10 Dharma Your duty in life 2 of 10 Karma Actions that affect re-birth; if you follow your dharma you get good karma 3 of 10 Moksha The end of the cycle of re-birth 4 of 10 Samsara The cycle of life, death and re-birth; affected by karma 5 of 10 Reincarnation When your atman is reborn in another body 6 of 10 Ahisma the practice of refraining from violent words or actions 7 of 10 Brahma The creator 8 of 10 Shiva The destroyer 9 of 10 Vishnu The perverser 10 of 10
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