
  • Created by: Najma2005
  • Created on: 15-05-22 19:54
Sanctity of life:
Life is sacred or holy and set apart for God’s purposes.
Human life is intrinsically valuable.
Christians believe humans have a special relationship with
God and he made them in His own Image
Humans are made in God’s image
God breathed l
God planned each person before they existed

Every part of a human life was designed by God

The human body was designed to be a special place of
dwelling for the holy spirit ‘temple of the holy spirit’
1 of 5
Why is sanctity of life important to
Christians today? God cares for humans and has a special
relationship with humans
God loves all people unconditionally
All people are entitled to respect and dignity
Decisions about life and death, for example
Abortion pro life arguments:
Catholic Church and Evangelical churches
Life begins at conception‘Thou shalt not kill’
Foetus is created in the image of God
Every human has the right to life
God has a plan for every human life:
‘For you created my innermost
2 of 5
Abortion pro choice arguments:
Church of England other liberal
protestant churches
Life does not begin at conception and is therefore not murder Situation Ethics: What is the most
loving action?
May be the result of a ****; foetus may be seriously disable
Situation Ethics: What is the most
loving action?
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4 of 5
5 of 5

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Card 2


Why is sanctity of life important to
Christians today? God cares for humans and has a special
relationship with humans
God loves all people unconditionally
All people are entitled to respect and dignity
Decisions about life and death, for example


Abortion pro life arguments:
Catholic Church and Evangelical churches
Life begins at conception‘Thou shalt not kill’
Foetus is created in the image of God
Every human has the right to life
God has a plan for every human life:
‘For you created my innermost

Card 3


Abortion pro choice arguments:
Church of England other liberal
protestant churches
Life does not begin at conception and is therefore not murder Situation Ethics: What is the most
loving action?
May be the result of a ****; foetus may be seriously disable


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Card 4




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Card 5




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