  • Created by: Matilda l
  • Created on: 15-05-17 16:58
What is the aim of environmental ethics?
Answers whether the natural world has instrumental or intrinsic value and how we should use it.
1 of 9
Where did the idea of dominion come from
Genesis 1 "Let them have dominion over the Earth"
2 of 9
Who criticised the modern view on dominion in Environ Ethics?
Holocomb "dominion does not mean destruction but responsibility"
3 of 9
What does anthropocentric mean and how does this link to dominion
Human centred, God gave us authority over the Earth, lowering nature
4 of 9
What was Aquinas's view on environmental ethics? (quote)
"All animals are naturally subject to man"- As everything has a purpose to benefit us
5 of 9
What was Singers criticism for Aquinas's view in Enviro E
Puts mankind at the moral centre and puts nature as morally insignificant. Its destruction is not sinful
6 of 9
Where was the concept Stewardship from? (quote)
Genesis 2 "Take care of it" We have responsibility to regulate the Earth
7 of 9
What was the criticism of Stewardship?
Clare Palmer- The idea that we are necessary to Earths regulation is "nonsense"
8 of 9
What is Eco-Holism and who created it?
James Lovelock- We are a small part of the Earth, and it itself is alive. Gaia does not require us and will restore itself. (Interdependance)
9 of 9

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Card 2


Where did the idea of dominion come from


Genesis 1 "Let them have dominion over the Earth"

Card 3


Who criticised the modern view on dominion in Environ Ethics?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does anthropocentric mean and how does this link to dominion


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Card 5


What was Aquinas's view on environmental ethics? (quote)


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