Re **** 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: Mustafa_MughalCreated on: 24-11-19 22:05 Muslims believe that allh taught adam names of different things so he was given knowledge about life. "He taught adam all the names of everything" (Quraan) 1 of 12 Adam was the first human created by god and told all the angles and iblees to bow down to him "I am going to create adam from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud..." (Quraan) 2 of 12 Adam disobeyed god and was banished from heaven after the shaytaan had manipulated him and then he was sent to earth in punish him Muslims will try to ignore the whispers o the shaytaan inside of their heads and will not follow him. 3 of 12 he repented to god after committing this sin and after some time, god forgave him and his wife than they where allowed back into jannah again This influences muslims to repent immediately to allah immediately after they have committed a sin 4 of 12 belife in adam is important because he taught everyone to harvest and bury this means that he is important because if he did not do this people will not know how to look after themself if adam did not teach them. 5 of 12 he taught people of the wrong doings of the shaytaan and then told them not tto listen to him this means he is inportant because people will think that sinning is ok and that they are allowed to do it. 6 of 12 Prophet ibrahim went against the idols and then he proved that worshipping them is not truly a good thing to do. "How can you worship something which can neither beniefit nor harm you" 7 of 12 he was tested by god in many different ways such as being thrown into fire and threatened to being killed by his own family "and when god tested him with various commands he proved true to each and every one" 8 of 12 he spread the idea of tawhid and then went against in what his father strongly belived in (idols) Muslims will not be afraid to speak the truth when the time arises. 9 of 12 he was then commanded by god to sacrifice his one and only son who he truly loved this teaches muslims to sacrifice a goat during eid because of the remembrance of what ibrahim did to his son 10 of 12 he is described as a really close friend to allah in the quraan muslims will then try and follow his examples and try to become very similar to him in order to try and get closer to allah and then go to jannah 11 of 12 allah was very pleased with ibrahim and then he was described as a khaleel "and allah did take ibraheem as a close friend" 12 of 12
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