Rates Of Reaction Revision 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryRate of reactionGCSEAQA Created by: falloutemCreated on: 27-01-15 20:41 the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with t) temperature 1 of 17 the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with ca) catalyst 2 of 17 the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with co) concentration 3 of 17 the rate of reaction depends on this (starts with s) surface area 4 of 17 concentration for gases pressure 5 of 17 if the line on the graph has a very steep slope, the reaction was very fast 6 of 17 rate of reaction = amount of _____ used / time reactant 7 of 17 rate of reaction = amount of _______ formed / time product 8 of 17 the product of a reaction that clouds the solution, a way of measuring the rate of reaction precipitation 9 of 17 a way of measuring the rate of reaction using a gas syringe volume of gas given off 10 of 17 explains rates of reactions collision theory 11 of 17 more ______ increases the rate of reactions collisions 12 of 17 higher (t________________) increases collisions temperature 13 of 17 higher (c_______________) increases collisions concentration 14 of 17 larger (s________________) increases collisions surface area 15 of 17 minimum amount of energy needed to carry out the reaction activation energy 16 of 17 a substance which speeds up a reaction, without being changed or used up in the reaction catalyst 17 of 17
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