rates of chemical reaction 3.5 / 5 based on 7 ratings ? ChemistryRatesA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: danni :)Created on: 24-05-13 11:39 rate of reaction= change in concentration/ change in time 1 of 10 monitoring colour change is colorimetry 2 of 10 the slowest step in a reaction is the rate determining step 3 of 10 the line for a zero order reaction on a time/ concentration graph is: straight diagonally downwards 4 of 10 a half life is the time for half the reactants to be used up 5 of 10 the half life for all 1st order reactions is always constant 6 of 10 catalysts can be homogeneous or heterogeneous 7 of 10 catalysts in the same phase as the reactants are homogenous 8 of 10 the arrhenius equation is lnk=-ea/rt + a constant 9 of 10 iodine and propanone react , in the presence of acid by substitution 10 of 10
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