The process by which the state defines certain activities as criminal and thereby criminalises certain groups - particularly the oppressed and disadvantaged
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What does radical criminology focus on?
The process criminalisation in relation to the state as it seeks to manage the capitalist system
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What do radical criminologists insist about criminals? What does this imply about crimes?
That they intend to break the law. They stress that often crimes are deliberate with political motives e.g. Women's movement
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What are the key names in critical criminology?
Taylor, Walton and Young
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How do Taylor et al criticise traditional marxism ?
They argue it is too deterministic, e.g. it sees workers as driven to commit crime out of economic necessity.
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What sort of view do Taylor et al take with regards to the reasons behind crime?
A voluntatistic view. They see crime as meaningful action and a conscious choice by the actor.
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What do Taylor et al aim to create?
A 'Fully social theory of deviance' - a comprehensive understanding of crime and deviance that would help to change society for the better
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Where would the two main sources of information come from to form the fully social theory of deviance?
1) Trad. Marxist ideas about the unequal distribution of wealth and who has the power to enforce the law. 2)Ideas from interactionism and labelling theory about the meanings of the deviant act and the effects of a label on the actor
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Give two aspects of the fully social theory of deviance
1)The immediate origins of the act 2)The immediate origins of social reaction
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What is mean't by the 'immediate origins of the act'?
THe particular context in which the individual decides to commit the act
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What is meant by the 'immediate origins of social reaction'?
The reactions of those around the deviant, such as police, family and community discovering the deviance
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does radical criminology focus on?
The process criminalisation in relation to the state as it seeks to manage the capitalist system
Card 3
What do radical criminologists insist about criminals? What does this imply about crimes?
Card 4
What are the key names in critical criminology?
Card 5
How do Taylor et al criticise traditional marxism ?
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