RADIATION 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsRadioactivityGCSEAQA Created by: BootsyCreated on: 07-11-17 17:19 What are the 3 types of radiation? alpha, beta and gamma 1 of 8 Which is the most penetrating and which is the least? Alpha is the least gamma is the most 2 of 8 How can alpha radiation be stopped? A sheet of paper 3 of 8 How can beta radiation be stopped? Beta radiation can penetrate air and paper, but is stopped by a few millimetres of aluminium 4 of 8 How can alpha gamma be stopped? Gamma radiation can only be stopped by a few centimetres of lead, or many metres of concrete 5 of 8 What can alpha radiation be used for? Smoke detectors 6 of 8 What can beta radiation be used for? to monitor the thickness of materials such as paper, plastic and aluminium. 7 of 8 What can gamma radiation be used for? Gamma radiation is used in the treatment of cancer, testing equipment and sterilising medical instruments 8 of 8
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