Race Relations in the USA 1955-1968 [22 Questions]
Covering most areas of the syllabus. :-)
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?- Created by: Megan
- Created on: 09-06-11 16:23
Other questions in this quiz
2. Why were the Ku Klux Klan rarely convicted for their crimes?
- The Imperial Wizard (leader of the KKK) had an underground system of bribery for all areas of power. This included some areas of government.
- 90% of the population were KKK members in 1965.
- They were often protected by police officers who were KKK members, and white juries were reluctant to find KKK members guilty.
- Anyone who spoke out against them knew that they would be a target for violence.
3. Segregation was founded on the doctrine of 'separate, but equal'. How did the NAACP use this to their advantage in the 'Brown vs. Topeka' case?
- They said that due to the inbalance of government funding to black schools in comparison to white schools, children did not have the same educational equipment.
- They said that segregation in schools could never lead to equality because the white children would always be treated with more respect than the black children.
- They said this could not apply to segregation in schools because a message of inequality was being sent out to black children, making them feel inferior and therefore less likely to learn than white children.
- They said that because the ratio of black schools to black children was so much lower than of white schools to white children, the overcrowding caused extreme problems with learning, and therefore deprived black children of equal opportunities.
4. Which of the following is NOT true of the 'Brown vs. Topeka' incident?
- It resulted in a revival of the KKK.
- It was the start of the civil rights movement.
- Martin Luther King was not involved.
- It lead to the incident at Little Rock.
- The court case gained a lot of support from the black community.
5. Why did such a small incident spark the 381 day long Montgomery Bus Boycott?
- Black leaders in the city had been planning a boycott for a long time, and had missed several opportunities already, so were ready to pounce.
- Claudette Colvin, a victim of a previous arrest on the same grounds,
- The woman invloved had planned her own arrest, and told her friends what they must do when it happened.
- The MIA (Montgomery Improvement Assosciation) were horrified at the cruelty of her arrest, and rallied the public to boycott.
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