Quiz questions so far (British History)
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- Created by: H@r/3y
- Created on: 17-12-19 17:18
What % lead did the Labour have over the Conservatives in the polls from 1943 onwards?
1 of 144
According to Harold Macmillain, whose ghost cost the Conservatives the 1945 general election?
Neville Chamberlain
2 of 144
What decade of unemployment and deprivation influenced the public mood in 1945?
3 of 144
Who did Churchill liken the Labour Party to when he tried to discredit them in a speech?
4 of 144
What year was the Beveridge Report? What was its aim?
1942. introduce comprehensive social insurance schemes
5 of 144
Why did the public's perception on the Labour Party change?
Labours role in the war time coalition
6 of 144
What are the surnames of the following wartime Labour MPs ministers 1945? Hugh... , Stafford... , Ernest... , Clement...
Hugh Gaitskell, Stafford Cripps, Ernest Bevin, Clement Attlee
7 of 144
What was the title of Labour's Manifesto?
Lets face the future together
8 of 144
What was the name of the Conservatives 1945 election manifesto?
declaration to the voters
9 of 144
What did the conservatives fail to focus their general election campaign on in 1945?
basic, domestic issues
10 of 144
How old was Churchill in 1945?
11 of 144
What did Churchill fail to do in his speeches that turned off many of the electorate
Focus on after war issues like unemployment
12 of 144
3 negative things in the nations memory in 1951?
second world war, depression of the 1930s, Attlees government 1950s
13 of 144
what period is generally accepted as the period of the post-war consensus
14 of 144
Post war consensus - A belief in a mixed ...
mixed economy
15 of 144
Post war consensus - Support for the NHS and the...
the welfare state
16 of 144
Post war consensus - Keynesian economics with a commitment to ...
a commitment to full employment
17 of 144
Post war consensus - Government working in partnership with...
with trade unions
18 of 144
Post war consensus - Foreign Policy based on support for... and opposition to ...
support for US and opposition to USSR
19 of 144
Post war consensus - Independence for the...
the European colonies
20 of 144
Who was seen as the party of mass unemployment in the 1930s?
21 of 144
Why did the Conservatives realise it was important to have a relationship with the trade unions in 1951?
To prevent strikes
22 of 144
Why were the Conservatives not in a position to dismantle Labour's welfare reforms in 1951?
Didn't have a big enough majority and it was too popular with the people
23 of 144
Which two industries did the Conservatives denationalise in 1951?
Transport and Steel
24 of 144
Which magazine came up with the term 'Butskellism'?
25 of 144
The names of which Conservative chancellor and which former Labour chancellor did the term 'Butskellism' refer to?
R.A. Butler and High Gaitskell
26 of 144
There was never a unanimous agreement between the parties and sharp policy differences still existed. True or False
27 of 144
Who is credited with destroying the post-War consensus?
Margret Thatcher
28 of 144
Between 1952-53, the team at the Ministry of Housing led by Harold Macmillain achieved and even exceeded their goal when ... houses were built annually
318,750 houses
29 of 144
The general uplift in the economy felt in the early 1950s was mainly due to Marshall Plan and Britain remained in debt by £... billion as a result
In debt by £26 billion
30 of 144
Churchill's government was convinced that Great Britain can only restore its glory by the ownership of nuclear weapons. Britain's first atomic bomb was detonated in ....
in 1953
31 of 144
In .... Churchill have the go ahead to develop the H bomb.
in 1955
32 of 144
In 1951 there were ... unemployed. It began to rise in 1952 so the government responded with public work schemes.
above 300,000
33 of 144
As a result to the public work schemes, in the period 1951-55 unemployment never exceeded ...
never exceeded 500,000
34 of 144
Rationing ended in ... on sugar
in 1953
35 of 144
Rationing ended on butter and meat in ... This made people better off.
in 1954
36 of 144
When Churchill became PM in 1951 for the second time aged ... his health was failing. He was incapacitated by a stroke for months in 1953, after which his leadership ability was lost
aged 77
37 of 144
Inner party tensions emergered from 1953 as Churchill refused to stand down- the frustration of ... became apparent
38 of 144
This was a period of ...- broad agreement between the two sides on economic issues. Stop go economic policies were accepted
39 of 144
The beginnings of affluence occurred. ... ownership for example grew as well as ... ownership
TV as well as Car ownership
40 of 144
New towns such as ... and ... were created to replace wartime slums
Basildon and Crawley
41 of 144
Ian Macleod tried to fight for more money for ..., which he recognised were in need of modernisatio, but found himself in a queue very much behind housing. Few improvements were therefore made.
42 of 144
The Churchill government inherited a £.... million Balance-of-Payments deficit from Labour but they were in the black by £... million by 1953.
£700 million b.o.p deficit but were in the black by £300 million in 1953
43 of 144
which senior ministerial post had Eden held for 10 years?
Foreign secretary
44 of 144
what was Eden's majority in parliament following the 1955 General Election
45 of 144
Why was the 1955 election victory by Eden so significant
First time in 90 years that the majority had gone up for the party after the first election of being in power
46 of 144
how did the Chancellor Butler increase the election prospects of the Conservatives in 1955
£134 million give away budget
47 of 144
The Labour Party did not suffer a crushing defeat in the 1955 general election because...
they still achieved 46% of the votes
48 of 144
What happened at Eden's first press conference that suggested that he had very little experience of domestic politics?
R.A. Butler answered all the questions on domestic policies
49 of 144
Which Labour leader made life uncomfortable for Eden in the House of Commons
Hugh Gaitskell
50 of 144
Which newspaper said that Eden's policies lacked the 'smack of firm government' ?
Daily telegraph
51 of 144
Eden's popularity fell from ... % to ....% in the space of twelve months
from 70% to 40%
52 of 144
When was the Suez crisis?
1956 (On the 29th October Israel invaded the canal)
53 of 144
Which newspaper accused Eden of lying to the House of Commons during the Suez crisis
Manchester Guardian
54 of 144
Where is the Suez Canal
Near Egypt in the Middle East
55 of 144
Who was the Egyptian leader in 1956
Colonel Nasser
56 of 144
What did Nasser promise to build
Aswan Dam
57 of 144
Who was also involved in Suez
Israel and France (as well as Britain and the US (also Egypt))
58 of 144
Eden claimed 'The Egyptian had its ...... on Britain's .....'
Had its thumb on Britain's windpipe
59 of 144
What did Macmillain successfully deliver whilst Housing Minister in Churchill's government?
The promised 300,000 houses
60 of 144
What had Macmillain opposed in the 1930s that Butler supported which went against him to succeed Eden as PM?
Appeasement and National Government Policies
61 of 144
What month/year did Macmillain call a general election
October 1959
62 of 144
How much was given away in tax cuts to help ensure election victory for the Conservatives and who was the Chancellor at that time?
£370 million in tax cuts. Derek Heathcoat-Amory was the Chancellor
63 of 144
What was the parliamentary majority of Conservatives after the election in 1959?
64 of 144
Mac believed that all classes in society have obligations to one another and that theres a particular responsibility for those better off to ensure the well-being of those less fortunate.What's this belief more commonly known as to some Tories?
One-Nation Conservatives
65 of 144
What is the name of the social reform introduced during Macmillan's premiership, The C........ A...... A
The Clean Air Act (1952) - in response to London's Great Smog
66 of 144
What is the name of the social reform introduced during Macmillan's premiership, The H .... and F...... A...
The Housing and Factory Act
67 of 144
What is the name of the social reform introduced during Macmillan's premiership, The H....... A....
The Homicide Act (1957) - Abolish the death penalty
68 of 144
What did the Wolfenden Committee recommend
Homosexuality to no longer be a crime
69 of 144
Which word incorporating the surnames of a Conservative and a Labour politician is often referred to as evidence of a post-war consensus between the two major parties?
70 of 144
What two word term is used to describe the inconsistent economic policies of the 1950s Conservative governments?
71 of 144
What was the average weekly wage of male workers in 1950 and then in 1964
from £8.30 (1950) to £18.35 (1964)
72 of 144
By the early 1960s, which 3 countries were pulling ahead of Britain in terms of economic growth?
Germany, Japan, France
73 of 144
Unemployment had reached ......... by 1963
878,000 unemployed in 1963
74 of 144
As a consequence of Britain's declining economic position, Macmillain applied to join the EEC in what year?
75 of 144
Who rejected Britain's application to the EEC and when?
The French President Charles de Gaulle in January 1963
76 of 144
How did Macmillain frequently respond to the ups and downs of politics?
'Events dear boy events'
77 of 144
When did Macmillain radically reshuffle his cabinet? (month/year)
July 1962
78 of 144
What did this reshuffle become known as?
Night of the Long Knives
79 of 144
Which two things about Macmillain made him seem 'out of date' in the early 1960s
Aristocracy and Edwardian Image
80 of 144
Spy scandals in the early 1960s also reflected badly on Macmillain. Why? What did this suggest about Macmillain?
In the time of the Cold war Profumo lied to parliament about his affair but Macmillain believed him, making him seem out of touch with his cabinet
81 of 144
who was convicted of being a Soviet double agent in 1961
George Blake
82 of 144
which 3 people were involved in the infamous politics, sex and spying scandal that came to light in 1963
Christine Keeler, John Profumo, Sergie Ivanov
83 of 144
When did Macmillain resign as PM (month/year)
October 1963
84 of 144
Who were the two most obvious candidates to replace Macmillain as PM
Butler and lord Hailsham
85 of 144
Who replaced Macmillain
Sir Alec Douglas Home
86 of 144
what did he have to give up and why prior to becoming PM
Had to give up his peerage to be in the House of Commons
87 of 144
who became Labour leader in 1963
Harold Wilson
88 of 144
One of the new leader's most effective campaign speeches had promised that Britain would catch up with 'the ......'
'the white heat of the technological revolution'
89 of 144
The deaths of which two Labour 'titans' helped the new leader unite the Labour Party?
Bevan and Gaitskell
90 of 144
In which Yorkshire town was the new Labour leader (Wilson) born?
91 of 144
How many people were unemployed in 1955? (number and percent)
200,000, about 1%
92 of 144
Name two traditional industries which the numbers employed were falling in the 1950s
93 of 144
Name two industries in which the numbers employed were rising in the 1950s
94 of 144
By 1960, the numbers working in service industry has risen dramatically to ...
5 million
95 of 144
what causes inflation
when prices rise
96 of 144
why can deflation lead to unemployment
business need to make cuts to survive
97 of 144
what was Macmillan referring to when he said 'what we need is restraint and common sense'
referring to wage demands by trade unions and how the public spent their money
98 of 144
what was the financial consequence for Britain for Britain when the USA put pressure on Britain to end the Suez crisis in 1957
run on the pound exposed economic weakness
99 of 144
which of macmillans chancellors suggested 'monetarism' as the solution to Britain's long standing economic problems
Peter Thornecroft
100 of 144
The economy continued to expand despite the underlying problems, So much so that the budget of April 1959 contained tax cuts of ......
370 million
101 of 144
what was the b.o.p deficit facing the incoming Labour government in 1964
750 million
102 of 144
how many people were unemployed in 1962
103 of 144
which two general elections had a 'give-away; budget to help the Tories with electioneering
1955 (134 million) and 1959 (370 million)
104 of 144
Car ownership grew from ..... to ...... across the period. This was a sign of growing affluence
from 3 million to 7 million
105 of 144
Britain was known as the '..........' because her economic growth rates lagged behind which 3 countries
known as the 'sick man of europe' . germany, france, italy
106 of 144
what indicators were used to say that people were spending beyond their means in 1952-62
amount of goods bought and repossessed on hire purchase doubled
107 of 144
interest rates are ............ when the economy is overheating
108 of 144
what % of Britains research and development budget was spent on defence
109 of 144
why was the percentage spent on defence a problem for the British economy
it was at the cost of industry
110 of 144
why was the USA essentially Britain's creditors
they financed our recovery
111 of 144
britains share of world trade fell from ...... (in ....) to .... (in ..)
fell from 25% in 1950 to 15% in 1964
112 of 144
By 1964, the Conservatives could successfully claim to be well on their way to creating a property owning democracy, why?
successfully built the promised amount of houses and maintained full employment, there was also a growth in affluence
113 of 144
Who were Macmillan's for chancellors- in chronological order
Peter Thornecroft, Derek Heathcoat-Amory, Selwyn Lloyd, Reginald Maulding
114 of 144
Britain in 1951 was a very ...... and ....... society.
a very traditional and deferential society.
115 of 144
Most families in 1951 Britain were ........
116 of 144
In order to access a grammar school education students would have to sit which examination?
11 plus test
117 of 144
Immigration began when which ship docked in London from the West Indies in 1948?
The Empire Windrush
118 of 144
what took place in 1951 to give 'a tonic to the nation' post-WW2?
Festival of Britain
119 of 144
Which book (title and author) published in 1958 gave Britain a contemporary view of working class life in Nottingham
Saturday night and Sunday morning by Alan Sillitoe
120 of 144
Give 5 examples of 'new towns' that emerged/grew in the 1950s
Crawley, Harlow, Kirkby, Stevenage, Corby
121 of 144
Name Britain's first residential tower block that opened in Harlow (1951)
The Lawn
122 of 144
ownership of what intensified population shift in the 1950s?
Car ownership
123 of 144
Between 1952 and 1964, ........... new homes were built. ...% of these were private homes
1.7 million new homes, 60% of which were private homes
124 of 144
Why did home ownership increase in this period
low mortgage rates and ease in borrowing and repaying loans
125 of 144
With regard to housing, how do we know that not everyone was experiencing the same level standard of living rise
people in council or rental housing still exceeded those in private dwelling
126 of 144
what was the most obvious sign of the new affluence of this period
rise in ownership of consumer goods
127 of 144
How did some women in London mark Derationing Day, and in what year
they burnt their rationing books in 1954 at Trafalgar square
128 of 144
How did Macmillan aim to stimulate the rental property market?
Rent Act of 1957, which removed rent controls
129 of 144
what was the downside of Macmillan's actions for many prospective renters
many could no longer afford cost of rent so were made homeless
130 of 144
what was the name of the unsrupulous London landlord who took advantage of Macmillan's actions?
131 of 144
The working classes were able to widen their leisure activities/opportunities by receiving paid holidays- how many annually were they allowed
2 weeks
132 of 144
what percentage of people were taking foreign holidays in the early 1960s?
133 of 144
which industry was a visible sign of new affluence in this period
134 of 144
When was ITV (commercial TV) launched
135 of 144
By 1960, how man TV sets were in use and what percent of the population watched TV in the evenings
10 million TV sets watched by 50% of the population in the evenings
136 of 144
Name as many TV programmes which were popular in this period
Barry Bucknell's Do it Yourself, Gardening club, coronation street, dixon of dock green, come dancing, emergency ward 10, bill and Ben the flower-top men, the wooden tops
137 of 144
which three social activities declined with the rise of TV as an entertainment medium
cinema, pub, sport, theatre
138 of 144
The network of public-school and oxbridge boys who dominated key institutions of british political life, aristocracy civil servants, judges bishops diplomats officers, big business/media leaders are better known as the ....
139 of 144
what other term was used to describe the establishment?
Old Boy Network
140 of 144
describe a fall in the respect offered to the 'establishment' figures and social elites just because of who they were
decline in deference
141 of 144
which newspaper claimed it was giving the public what it wanted when it covered the Profumo Affair for a number of weeks
News of the world
142 of 144
...... refers to the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticise people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary ploitics and other topic issues.
143 of 144
ideas of holidays and destinations were changed by ......
the increase in car ownership
144 of 144
Other cards in this set
Card 2
According to Harold Macmillain, whose ghost cost the Conservatives the 1945 general election?
Neville Chamberlain
Card 3
What decade of unemployment and deprivation influenced the public mood in 1945?

Card 4
Who did Churchill liken the Labour Party to when he tried to discredit them in a speech?

Card 5
What year was the Beveridge Report? What was its aim?

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