What phrase is used by the inspector to suggest we are all a team and must improve equality?
''We are all members of one body''
2 of 10
The fact that Mr Birling did not expect Shiela to be as capable as the men at handling such traumatic news suggests what?
That he considers her to be vulnerable and young
3 of 10
Which quote said by Mr Birling suggests that Eva is incapable of having feelings?
"She was claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd in a girl in her position."
4 of 10
Who says this:''I hate those hard-eyed dough-faced women."
5 of 10
How else does Mr Birling come across as sexist?
Mr Birling is very patronising about women, claiming that they couldn’t organise a proper strike and makes sweeping statements about how they love clothes
6 of 10
In which way does Eva smith seem to break the stereotype of the typical role/attitude of women in those times?
By being portrayed as an independent woman who fights for her rights and the rights of others
7 of 10
In what ways is Mrs Birling portrayed as the typically old-fashioned female role
By expressing her views in which a woman should be supported by her husband and by turning against Eva Smith because she is going to be a single mother.
8 of 10
Who describes Eva as ''young, fresh and charming''
9 of 10
Why did priestly use Eva Smiths character, rather than another person of the same class as the Birling family?
To represent the effect of different classes and exploit the vulnerability of a woman of her class to the higher class
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What phrase is used by the inspector to suggest we are all a team and must improve equality?
''We are all members of one body''
Card 3
The fact that Mr Birling did not expect Shiela to be as capable as the men at handling such traumatic news suggests what?
Card 4
Which quote said by Mr Birling suggests that Eva is incapable of having feelings?
Card 5
Who says this:''I hate those hard-eyed dough-faced women."
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