Queen Elizabeth Quiz

Quiz about Elizabth with 4 main topics; General knowledge and Court life.

AS History 1558-1628 course, with Civil rights and Cold war.

Between which years was Elizabeth Queen?
1 of 13
What was Elizabeth's nickname?
The Virgin Queen
2 of 13
Who were Elizabeth's parents?
Henry Tudor(8th) and Anne Boleyn
3 of 13
Who was on the throne before Elizabeth?
Mary Tudor
4 of 13
Who was the person in Question 5 Married to?
King Phillip the 2nd of Spain
5 of 13
Who was the main rival for the throne in Elizabeth's early Reign?
Mary Queen of Scotts
6 of 13
What was Lord Burghley's real name?
William Cecil
7 of 13
What chamber gave LIMITED access to the Queen?
Privy Chamber
8 of 13
What where the two parts of Elizabeth's household?
Household and court
9 of 13
what was the council called which helpedthe Quenn rule?
Privy Council
10 of 13
What were the two houses of Parliament?
Commons and Lords
11 of 13
What was the name given to a person who would look after you interests at court?
12 of 13
What was Parliament’s prerogative power?
Granting of right to collect taxes
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was Elizabeth's nickname?


The Virgin Queen

Card 3


Who were Elizabeth's parents?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who was on the throne before Elizabeth?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who was the person in Question 5 Married to?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Samuel Richardson


the answer to 14 is definitely not Martin Luther King is it? Also, who is the person referred to in question 11?

James Gillespie


bit hard but cheers anyway

Lydia Powell


would be useful to have had the correct answers by the wrong ones and bad spelling!



Which "character"? Er...

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