the value an individual places upon their own life
1 of 8
what affects an individual QOL?
physical, social, emotional and intellectual ability
2 of 8
what did Margret Pabts Batin say?
life is a gift from God- therfore it is your chocie to do with it what you wish
3 of 8
name an academic?
James Rachel's
4 of 8
what did he say?
all semblance of human personalities had gone
5 of 8
what did John Harris say?
life has the value we give it- if someone doesnt value their own life and it is taken away its okay visa versa
6 of 8
what did Ronald Dworkins say?
he was an animal rights supporter-"adding decades of immobility to a life formerly organised around action will for the patient leave a narrative wreck
7 of 8
See QOL as greater importance
8 of 8
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Card 2
what affects an individual QOL?
physical, social, emotional and intellectual ability
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