PY3 Research Methods 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyResearch methods and techniquesA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: AnnaCreated on: 03-06-15 14:23 Variables which are effect the results of a experiment Extraneous Variables 1 of 12 A level of measurement which is ordered or ranked Ordinal Data 2 of 12 It's advantages are; high control, high ability to replicate and repeat and shows clearly cause and effect within an experiment Laboratory Experiment 3 of 12 What the researcher intends to study Aim 4 of 12 A sampling method which every member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected Random Sampling 5 of 12 Lying to participants and not telling the true aims of the study Deception 6 of 12 Controlling flow of information Privacy 7 of 12 Definition of a variable in terms of the steps taken in the measurement of the variable Operationalise 8 of 12 Undesired effect due to the investigatots expectation or behaviour Investigator Effects 9 of 12 A sample that have members of a sub-group of the target population which are under or over represented Bias sampl 10 of 12 Findings gained from research that are accurate: effects on the DV are caused by the IV. The study measures what it intends to Validity 11 of 12 Consistency of the results from a test. If repeated and reproduce the same results this is..... Reliability 12 of 12
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