4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Rosie Gibbs
- Created on: 15-01-13 11:45
differences found may be due to differences of participants
Participant Variables
1 of 42
data can be aranged in order but gaps between may not be equal
Ordinal Data
2 of 42
refers to practice, fatigue and boredom within repeated measures
Order Effects
3 of 42
Defining the variables so they can be precisley measured.
4 of 42
predicts the main hypothesis is wrong and differences are due to chance
Null Hypothesis
5 of 42
states the IV will have an effect on the DV but not the direction
Non Directional Hypothesis
6 of 42
data that can be arranged in categories usually a bar chart
Nominal Data
7 of 42
an independent measures design where participants in the second group are selected to match the 1st group
Matched Pairs
8 of 42
behaviour and or expectations of the investigator influences results
Investigator effects
9 of 42
a variable other than the IV that will effect the DV
Extraneous Variable
10 of 42
checking results by asking someone else or an expert to look over what you did to obtain the information
Face/Content Design
11 of 42
experimental design where seperate participants take part in each of the conditions
Independent Measures
12 of 42
type of statistic that tries to infer info about a population using information gatherd by sampling
Inferential Statistic
13 of 42
way of accessing reliability of recorded results to check correlate findings from all observers raters. if high correlation found then it is reliable.
Inter observer reliability
14 of 42
a way of organising participants in an experiment
Experimental Design
15 of 42
a general statment of what the researcher intends to find out
16 of 42
type of external validity that can apply findings to another situation
Ecological Validity
17 of 42
an hypothesis that states the IV will effect the DV
18 of 42
value at which results from inferential test
Critical Value
19 of 42
a way over over coming order effects (ABBA)
20 of 42
statistic that shows strength and direction of a relationship
Correlation Coefficient
21 of 42
indirect observation of material e.g.adverts, magazines
Content Analysis
22 of 42
an EV that effects the DV but is not the IV
Confounding Variable
23 of 42
name given to the main hypothesis
Alternative Hypothesis
24 of 42
Value obtained after analysis of data using inferential test
Calculated Value
25 of 42
variables that are involved in a correlation study
26 of 42
used in direct observations or content analysis to draw up a list of categories by which are used to count the frequency of that behaviour
Coding Frame
27 of 42
units of behaviour that make up a coding frame to count frequecnies of specific behaviour
Coding Units
28 of 42
comparing results to a recognised current measure or what you are testing, high positive correlation means you have...
Concurrent Validity
29 of 42
a smaller scaled study to test out the materials that will be used
Pilot Study
30 of 42
relates to whether findings apply to populations other than those studied
Population Validity
31 of 42
having done one condition imporves another
Practice Effect
32 of 42
participants are randomly assignes to an experimental group
Random Allocation
33 of 42
every member of the poopulation has an equal chance of selection
Random Sampling
34 of 42
consistiency either over time or within its self
35 of 42
where participants take part in each of the conditions
Repeated Measures
36 of 42
probability results obtained were due to chance
37 of 42
statistical test used for correlation with at least ordinal data
Spearmans rank
38 of 42
way of checking inter rate relibility by spliting measure tool in 2 and compare participants results in both
Split Half
39 of 42
to check external reliability by repeating experiment with same participant at another point in time
Test- Retest
40 of 42
an hypothesis
Testable Statement
41 of 42
truthfulness of a sttudy and whether it measures what it set out to measure
42 of 42
Other cards in this set
Card 2
data can be aranged in order but gaps between may not be equal
Ordinal Data
Card 3
refers to practice, fatigue and boredom within repeated measures

Card 4
Defining the variables so they can be precisley measured.

Card 5
predicts the main hypothesis is wrong and differences are due to chance

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