the wish to seek pleasure and avoid pain at all costs
1 of 13
Briefely describe Little Hans
A case study done by freud on a young boy with the oedipus complex. Hans was afraid of horses as they reminded him of his dad leading Freud to say that his real fear was his dad. He was also in love with his mother.
2 of 13
Explain the fundamental attribution error
the tendency that people have to explain the causes of behaviour in terms of personality rather than situational factors
3 of 13
What are the qualities of an anal retentive character?
neat, stingy, precise, orderly and obstinate
4 of 13
Give an example of how the Boilogical approach supports the nature argument
Genes, Hormones (and explanation)
5 of 13
What is an internal attribution?
When you attribute your successes and failures to your personal self
6 of 13
What is meant by operant conditioning?
used to shape behaviour using positive and negative reinforcement
7 of 13
Describe the Resistance stage of the GAS Model
the body finds a way to adapt to the shock of the stressor and returns to normal behaviour. Althought hte body appears to return to normal, resources deplete
Give and example for how vicarious reinforcement relates to learning agression
young boy sees his father hit the mother and get his own way, therefore he is conditioned to believe hitting will get him his own way too
11 of 13
Describe how anti-depressents work
ssri's absorb the enzymes blocking the flow of serotonin
12 of 13
How do genes influence behaviour?
autism affects social presence
13 of 13
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Briefely describe Little Hans
A case study done by freud on a young boy with the oedipus complex. Hans was afraid of horses as they reminded him of his dad leading Freud to say that his real fear was his dad. He was also in love with his mother.
Card 3
Explain the fundamental attribution error
Card 4
What are the qualities of an anal retentive character?
Card 5
Give an example of how the Boilogical approach supports the nature argument
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