what does PUWER stand for?
Pervision and Use of Work equipment Regulations
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who does PUWER impact?
Business and organisations whose employees use work equipment, whether owned by the or not.
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How would employers comply with puwer?
Employers would make sure that the equipment is suitable for use, for the purpose, and conditions it is to be used in maintained in a safe condition inspected to make sure it is safe for use.
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What employees need to do to comply with puwer?
They must have had to receive adequate training. Do a risk assesment. Know the risks that arise from using the equipment.
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What the penalties are for non-complience?
Fine, Prohibition notice, Improvement notice,Failure to comply is a criminal offence and can result in prosecution.
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Card 2


who does PUWER impact?


Business and organisations whose employees use work equipment, whether owned by the or not.

Card 3


How would employers comply with puwer?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What employees need to do to comply with puwer?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What the penalties are for non-complience?


Preview of the front of card 5


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