Behaviour is abnormal because it is statistically rare. People who are 2 standard deviations above or below the mean (2.145%) are abnormal.
1 of 5
What is abnormality as deviation from social norms?
Society has rules about acceptable behaviour,values and belief. Behaviour is abnormal is it deviates from what society deems as proper or acceptable.
2 of 5
What is abnormality as a failure to function adequately?
Behaviours that prevent people from coping with the demands of everyday life such as the ability to work, have relationships or clean themselves properly.
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What is the GAF?
Global Assessment of Functioning Scale- 0-100 scale. 100= superior functioning, 10=suicidal
4 of 5
What is abnormality as deviation from ideal mental health?
Individuals should be able to; self-actualise, autonomy, resist stress, adaptable, positive attitude about yourself.
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is abnormality as deviation from social norms?
Society has rules about acceptable behaviour,values and belief. Behaviour is abnormal is it deviates from what society deems as proper or acceptable.
Card 3
What is abnormality as a failure to function adequately?
Card 4
What is the GAF?
Card 5
What is abnormality as deviation from ideal mental health?
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