Psychology- Ch1 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyIntroduction to psychologyUniversityNone Created by: EmmaBuntingCreated on: 17-05-15 11:59 What is rationalism? (descartes) The belief in mind-body duality 1 of 17 What is monoism? (locke) The mind and body are one 2 of 17 What is empericism? All knowledge comes from senses 3 of 17 What is structralism? looked within (introspection) to study sensations 4 of 17 What is functionalism? Focused on the function of the mind rather than the structure. Seen in cognitive and evolutionary psychology 5 of 17 What is psychodynamic perspective? It focuses on the idea of dynamic unconsciousness. Stimulated research in dreams and memory (FREUD) 6 of 17 what are behavioural perspectives? Focuses on the role of the external environment on behaviour. Argues that after birth the human mind is a blank slate (John Locke) 7 of 17 Behaviourism began as a formal school with the work of...? Watson 8 of 17 After watson, who developed theoretical framework? Skinner- examined how behaviour is shaped by reward and punishment 9 of 17 What is cognitive behaviourism? How our expectations and thoughts interact with learning and environment to affect how we behave 10 of 17 What is the humanistic perspective? personal responsibility, personal grwoth and finding meaning in one's existence 11 of 17 What is the cognitive perspective? The study of mental processes, how they develop and how they influence behaviour 12 of 17 What is sociocultural perspective? Culture is important for pyschology- key difference in individualism and collectivism between cultures 13 of 17 What three fields can biological perspective be divided into? Behavioural neuroscience, behavioural genetics, and evolutionary psychology. 14 of 17 What is behavioural neuroscience/ The role of brain processes and psychology on behaviour, sensation, emotion and thought 15 of 17 What is behaviour genetics? The study of how behavioural traits are influenced by genetic factors- studied using twin studies 16 of 17 What is evolutionary psychology? The field that how many human mental abilities and human tendencies are by-products of millions of years of evolution 17 of 17
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