
role of media in addictive behaviour
The treatment of drug and alcohol addiction is often hampered by factors, such as the limited number of professionals able to administer treatment, the motivation of addicts to attend treatment sessions etc.
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television support for problem drinking
the programme pssst ... the real useful guide to alcohol was evaluated by bennett, viewers of the scenes were compared with matched control who did not watch the series.Improvement showed in knowledge about alcohol but alcohol consumption.
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television carried on ...
do it yourself was a five week intervention designed to reduce problem drinking. they found that the intervention group was more sucesssful than a control group in achieving low risk.
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research into representations of addiction
sulkunen 2007 collected 140 scenes from 47 films. The scenes represented various addictions including alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gambling and sex. films like trainspotting and american beauty gave scenes of drug enjoyment and it was contrasted.
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research into smoking
new research showed that media prepresentations of smoking influences teenagers to take up the habit. The researchers found there was a relationship between teenager smoking and the numbder of people smoking in films.
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Theory of planned behaviour
It is a theory about the factors that lead to a person decision to engage in a particular behaviour.I,, percieved behavioural control. subjective norms intention is a function of three factors - behavioural attitude
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Card 2


television support for problem drinking


the programme pssst ... the real useful guide to alcohol was evaluated by bennett, viewers of the scenes were compared with matched control who did not watch the series.Improvement showed in knowledge about alcohol but alcohol consumption.

Card 3


television carried on ...


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Card 4


research into representations of addiction


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Card 5


research into smoking


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